If you think life is too hard, just listen to the sunshine~

Vilma 2022-03-23 09:03:13

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In Japanese, "あん" means bean paste, and bean paste is also the existence of the soul called dorayaki. Our lives are often wrapped in bitterness, and those happy and beautiful moments are like the flashing sunshine in life. Let's find the "bean paste filling" that dispels bitterness together in ordinary days~

This is a very quiet film, and our protagonist is also a quiet, not very talkative type. In the mid-spring morning light when the darkness has not faded and the sky is slightly exposed, a middle-aged man Chitaro, who is mentally withered and full of decadence, drags his listless pace and walks slowly. It is another day of running a dorayaki shop.

Although most of the customers of this store are energetic junior high school students, it is obvious that this man is not infected by their enthusiastic vitality. His existence seems to have nothing to do with this noisy, cherry blossom-filled spring day. Similar to him, there is also a regular customer in the store - junior high school student Wakana. The mother who raised her alone felt that there was no need to go to school and did not care about her life at all, so the care of the shopkeeper became one of the few warmth.

On a sunny spring day with a gentle breeze, Ms. Tokue, who came to seek a job opportunity, met them under such circumstances. Although repeatedly rejected, Chitaro agrees to offer her a job after being amazed by the taste of the red bean paste that Tokujiang brings.

With extraordinary seriousness, Ms. Dejiang taught the shopkeeper to re-understand the process of making bean paste - soaking the beans overnight to entertain the beans all the way, picking up the bad-looking soup and washing away the astringent soup. Juice, wait for time to soften the beans and cook them fragrantly, so that the attentive hospitality will make it worthwhile for the beans to come all the way to you.

After paying a lot of hard work, the reward is naturally sweeter than the previous industrial bean paste. For this, customers are most aware of this, and they have proved this with a long queue. The owner Chitaro's face was a lot lighter, and the grandmother also gained great happiness from her work. Wakana has an elderly person who can share her troubles. The cherry trees on the street are silently witnessing all this.

But just like the saying "good things in the world are not strong, colorful clouds are easy to disperse and glass is broken." Due to the pressure of rumors, Ms. Dejiang no longer came to the store. But her wisdom brought Chitaro and Wakana out of the shadows, teaching them to open their hearts under pressure, learn to smile when they are unhappy, and try their best to explore the meaning of their own existence.

Being stuck at a certain point, feeling deep pain, being tortured to the point of being unable to extricate yourself, and feeling that the road ahead is bleak are all normal and will occur. Maybe you will also doubt life, question the world, and these are not unacceptable. But, after complaining and crying enough, I still want to live my own life, and I still want to clean up the old mountains and rivers again.

I like Grandma Dejiang's line very much "We want to live our own lives away from right and wrong, but sometimes we are hurt by the darkness of this society, and sometimes we have to use our own wisdom, I believe... One day we will find our own. the way"

That feeling of believing in life even if you are scarred is really moving, and that's what I want to convey to you - when you believe that you are in the dark and feel hopeless, you will really live better and better. less happy. However, you can also do things that make you happy and make you feel valuable, and you have that right. It's not the situation in front of you that makes you sad and painful, it's your heart.

Everyone has their own story, and every story has conflict, climax, and happy ending, otherwise, the story would not be beautiful. I would like to ask you to believe that it is necessary for those obstacles on the way to exist. Difficulties will not always be there. In addition to calling it a dilemma, it can also be regarded as a trial.

If you try all kinds of methods and still can't get out, then lie down for a while and take a rest. Allow yourself to completely relax, loosen the tense body and emotions, and let go of the lost energy. Get plenty of rest, go for a walk, chat with friends, eat something good, do some exercise, or just stay home and do nothing, let yourself be free...anything that makes you feel happy and energized is OK.

The above-mentioned lying flat is of course not lying down without restrictions, it is like taking a rest in the middle of a traveler's day and night schedule - in order to replenish energy. As a feeling, emotional, and exhausting person, it's really important to see your needs and respond to them. Even in daily life, you can set a "Buddha time" according to your personal preference to give yourself a breather.

This is also a process of acceptance, admitting the current state, realizing your own limits, seeing that you are not strong enough to overcome the predicament, accepting that you cannot go out all at once... Let yourself know that you have done your best Work hard and leave the rest to time.

Time will take care of it, just as it makes a seed sprout and grow, the spring breeze tells the tree to bloom, and the hard beans become soft and sweet, time will treat us well. There may be many troubles in life, but beautiful things have already wrapped you up, just waiting to be discovered by a pair of eyes.

Don't be in a hurry to get out of the pain, the struggle in the pain is precisely the process of life that needs to wait for the bitterness to be boiled into sugar. In the process, try to listen and see, what is life saying? "Everything in this world has a story to tell, even the sun and the breeze, you can hear their stories"

It is too rude to life when one habitually rushes past countless beautiful things. Allow your mind to slow down a little, look around, open your ears, give that blossoming tree an extra minute to stare, watch for birds flying overhead, and feel the smell of food on the tip of your nose.

At this moment, sitting in the sunset, I heard various messages from the evening breeze traveling around the city. I don’t know, what did you hear at this moment?

When you see a beautiful cloud, stop and admire its beauty, dance when you hear a good tune, and smile when you eat something delicious. As long as the heart is not trapped, you will be yourself sooner or later.

I wish you all the best today~

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Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.