Even if you are not Bridget Jones, he is Mr. Darcy

Ibrahim 2022-03-22 09:01:52

I don't know if this analogy is appropriate, I patted the table while watching BJ and shouted: This is the British version of Kim Sam Soon!!
A fat and bloated middle-aged woman with a lot of bad habits, besides smoking, there are three other things. Two bad friends, one of them is gay, of course it's fun to be friends with gays.
But this woman is better at messing things up, either rushing to the street in her underwear to confess, or praising her boyfriend's ass in bed last night through a loudspeaker Or, point at the camera with her hips bigger than two bowling balls.
Even to say she is Kim Sam Soon is a disparagement to Sam Soon.
But, unfortunately, she has the perfect Mr.Darcy. She is
so shameful, lying down The man next to him is outstanding and attracts everyone's attention.
It is really not something that ordinary hearts can bear.
Only this woman with a ruddy and healthy face who will never lose her appetite, round and strong can do it.
If Rebeca is not LES, I really don't know the story How will it develop? Fortunately, she is interested in BJ, not MD. Fortunately.
But your life and mine, will it be so lucky?
Even if you and I are not BJ, he is Darcy, then, what to do.
A Rebeca Going down, it's hard to guarantee that there will not be thousands of Rebeca standing up.
Darcy, will it really stay as firm as ever?
In class, I was interrupted by the teacher's voice and stopped writing. I will end with this question.

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Extended Reading

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason quotes

  • Daniel Cleaver: Doesn't everyone deserve a second chance? Hmm?

    Bridget Jones: Except Hitler.

  • Shazzer: [on Daniel Cleaver] You wouldn't sleep with him?

    Bridget Jones: No, of course not. Absolutely not.


    Bridget Jones: But he is clever.

    Shazzer: Yes?

    Bridget Jones: And handsome.

    Shazzer: He's also a dysfunctional, fucked-up, middle-aged lost boy!

    Bridget Jones: [pause] Well, no one's perfect.