growth and experience

Marques 2022-03-23 09:03:14

The movie I took my daughter to watch on Children's Day was very touching. The following are some of my own thoughts, not entirely film reviews, if you don't like it, don't spray it.

The carpenter created Pinocchio. When Pinocchio called Dad, the carpenter was so excited that he ran out of the house and announced to everyone that he was a father. This kind of feeling is really only a parent can understand. Teach him to walk, send him to school, parents are always worrying about their children. Even if he had no money, he would pawn his clothes for his son's books. When Pinocchio left, the carpenter said that he would find his son no matter what, and burst into tears.

Pinocchio, the bear boy, although mischievous, but kind-hearted and pure. The head of the circus needed wood and wanted to burn the puppets. Pinocchio rushed out and said that he should burn me. The head of the circus was moved by Pinocchio's kindness and gave him five gold coins to let him go home.

On the way home, he met a cat and a fox, and tricked him into planting gold coins in a miraculous place to get more gold coins. Pinocchio wanted to give his father more gold coins. I believe they were almost killed but were rescued by the little fairy.

When Pinocchio returned home, he was deceived by the cat and the fox again. He found the monkey judge and wanted to claim justice, but the country stipulated that innocent people should be imprisoned. In order to protect himself, Pinocchio said that he was actually a bad guy who stole something.

Pinocchio came home and found that his father had gone out to find him, so Pinocchio set off to find his father, and he swam across the sea and was rescued by the fairy again. The fairy told him that if he wanted to be a real boy, he had to go to school, but Pinocchio was truant at school and went out to steal something. The first time he made a mistake, the fairy forgave him.

Pinocchio is doing well at school, and the fairy tells him that he will soon be a real boy. But at this moment, Pinocchio was tempted again and was deceived into a place where he didn't need to learn but play. The next day, Pinocchio found himself and his companions turned into donkeys, and Pinocchio was sold to the circus as a donkey.

The circus asked Pinocchio, who turned into a donkey, to perform jumping through a fire ring. Pinocchio broke his leg. The circus leader threw him into the sea and wanted to drown the donkey and make the donkey skin into a drum. The fairy rescues Pinocchio for the third time and turns him back into a puppet.

Pinocchio was swallowed by a giant whale in the sea. When he met a naive tuna, the tuna was very negative and thought that instead of escaping and being caught in a frying pan, it would be better to be slowly caught in the belly of the whale. Digestion. Pinocchio also met his father, who was also swallowed by a giant whale.

At Pinocchio's insistence, he, his father, and the tuna all escaped the whale's mouth and regained their freedom. The carpenter was weak, Pinocchio worked for the shepherd and got milk for his father, he met the fairy again, and this time he became a real boy. This is the end of the play.

The cricket in the film is very cute. At the beginning, the cricket appeared and told Pinocchio some great truths, such as don't worry about Dad, don't believe in unearned lies, etc. As a result, they were all ignored by Pinocchio. Later, after experiencing all kinds of personnel affairs, Pinocchio gradually grew up, and finally he no longer believed in the lies of cats and foxes.

Growing up requires experience, and treat children with patience and tolerance.

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Pinocchio quotes

  • Geppetto: I've been thinking to make with my hands, by myself, a wooden puppet.