What does plum chicken taste like?

Kennith 2022-03-22 09:02:48

I wrote a review of a movie I watched in French class, and shared it by the way.

what is this movie about

Après avoir perdu son violon, Nasser Ali, joué par Mathieu Amalric, un des plus célèbres violonistes de son époque s'est décidé à mettre fin à sa vie. Sept jours enfermé dans sa chambre, Nasser Ali remonte dans sa vie passée, de son rôle comme un père et un mari à ses souvenirs avec son frère et sa mère. Au fur et à mesure qu'il s'approche de la mort, il se rappelle l'histoire d'amour inoubliable avec Irâne qui lui sert d'une source intarissable d'inspiration et qui constitue le sens de sa vie avec son violon. Enfin, il est vu enterrer en présence de tous ce qui l'aime.

After losing his violin, the most famous violinist, Nasser Ali, decided to commit suicide. Locking himself in his bedroom for seven days and seven nights, Nasser Ali reminisced about the past - as a father, as a husband, as a brother, as a son. As he neared death, he recalled his first love, Irâne, etched in his heart, though she never left him—she was in the sound of his violin, which had become his life. In the end, he was buried in front of all who loved him.

What am I seeing?

die la mort

D'abord, au début de la projection, j'évoque la question: pourquoi ce musicien ne veut plus rester dans le monde ? Selon les théories du Suicide par Émile Durkheim, un individu se suicide quand les liens socials sont tous coupés comme je le remarque aussi dans le récit des souvenirs du violoniste. Aucune espérance ne vue chez les enfants aveugles, aucun besoin de soigner son frère intelligent, aucune possibilité de s'entendre bien avec sa femme acariâtre et de revoir sa mère morte... et surtout aucune attente de retrouver l'amour et même aucun rêve porté sur son violon. La vie n'a plus aucun sens pour lui. Comme le maître lui avait appris:

"La vie est un soupire et c'est de ce soupire dont tu dois t'emparer."

Il a trouvé ce soupire dans l'amour et l'a versé dans la musique. Malheureusement, la casse de l'instrument de musique lui a pris le soupire précieux ainsi que sa vie.

When the movie started, I was thinking: Why does the male lead no longer want to stay in this world? According to Émile Durkheim's theory of suicide, when a person is cut off from all social ties, he is prone to suicide. As we know from the violinist's recollections: he had no hope in his children, his wise brother did not need his care, he could not get along with his grumpy wife, and he could not see his dead mother again ...The most important thing is that he has no hope of finding his lover again, and even with the violin broken, he can't even dream. Life has no meaning to him. The master taught him: "Life is a sigh, and you must seize it." He found it in love and poured it into music. Unfortunately, the destruction of the violin took away the sigh and his s life.

Raw La vie

D'ailleurs, la vie, elle porte aussi sur le goût du Poulet aux prunes. Bien que le mari ait refusé de pardonner la femme Franskki, qui attend dans la vanité pour l'amour qui ne vient jamais, dans son dernier temps, il lui tient dans la main. Qu'est-ce qui a conduit ce changement d'attitude? On peut remonter dans le discours entre le moribond et l'ange de la mort Azraël.

"Azraël, il est un peu tard pour faire marche arrière?"

demande-t-il Nasser Ali.

"Il n'est pas un peu tard, cher ami. Il est trop tard. ô toi... j'étais bien dit pourtant et puis souvent qu'à ton tour de départ et son retour qui s'en va... C'est dommage, Nasser Ali, tu n'avais que cette vie."

À ce moment-là, il a compris que la vie, c'est la vie. Je cite le critique rédigé par Thomas Sotinel sur le site internet du Monde: "On reconnaît les ingrédients de la vie, le burlesque et le tragique, la beauté et la contrainte, mais la vie elle-même a du mal à se faire sentir. On croirait lire la recette dePoulet aux prunessans pouvoir savourer le plat.”

In fact, life is the taste of plum chicken. Despite her husband's refusal to forgive Fransky, the poor man who waited in vain for a love that would never come, Nasser Ali took her hand as he lay dying. What has changed? We can trace the dying man's dialogue with Azrael, the god of death.

"Azilar, is it a little late to regret now?" he asked.

"Dear friends, it's not too late, it's too late. .

At that moment, he realized that life is life. Thomas Sotinel's comment on the Le Monde website touched me very much: "We have tasted life, the comic and the tragic, the beauty and the bondage, but in it, it is difficult to understand that they are both a Even though we haven't tried the 'Plum Chicken' dish, we know all the flavors."

Love L'amour

Enfin, cette oeuvre cinématographique fait l'éloge à l'amour. En dépit du sort de séparation des deux amoureux, leur histoire touche la vulnérabilité des spectateurs. 'est le plus beau sentiment. La distance temporelle et spatiale les sépare dans les journées mais les coeurs vibrent sans cesse.

This movie is also about love. Although the two lovers are separated by thousands of miles in the end, their stories touch the softest part of our hearts. Love is fragile, but also irreplaceable, the most beautiful. Time and space can separate people, but hearts always beat for each other.

En conclusion, ce long métrage nous parle de la mort, de la vie et de l'amour.

All in all, this film tells a moving story - about death, life and love

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Extended Reading
  • Darius 2022-04-19 09:02:50

    How can the original team I grew up in Iran let you down.

  • Virginia 2022-03-19 09:01:09

    The Iranian girl is just like an angel. The French can always use absurd, playful, and exaggerated techniques to interpret love, affection, and life and death. Most of the process of watching the movie was pleasant, but the countdown to death was only 8 days. His wife smashed the violin passed to him by his master's master; when she met the woman she loved most in her life, she did not recognize herself, these 2 Conditions are indispensable, so there is no doubt that the artist will die. What is not available is always the best.

Chicken with Plums quotes

  • Lili, adulte: Life... If only you knew what I think of life!

  • [last lines]

    Irâne: Nasser Ali... My love!

    Nasser-Ali Khan: Iran...