Disinformation-style documentary, the data and conclusions in it are basically only for venting emotions

Alysson 2022-09-25 21:01:05

First of all, there is no scientific research that explicitly mentions that marine fish will run out in 2048, which is impossible according to common sense. This is nothing more than a documentary filmmaker, exaggerating in order to guide the audience's emotions, with no regard for science.

In addition, the so-called marine plankton absorbs more than 90% of the world's carbon dioxide, which is also untenable. Environmentalists just ignore facts and logic and say something sensational. In fact, the lungs of the earth are the Amazon rainforest.

Therefore, I hope everyone can view this documentary critically. Many of the statements and conclusions in it are not necessarily correct. More directors entrain their own private goods. This kind of documentary is also the most shameful. It can't even make an independent and objective record, so what's the point of exposing it? On the surface, it is environmental protection, but it is still a business in the bones. When I saw the members of the production team calling for donations, I knew it was just another harvest of leeks. So I remain highly skeptical of everything that is discussed in the film.

Commercial fishing agencies may be wrong, but these environmental groups are clearly not a good thing either. In essence, these environmentalists are no different from a group of cultists, you can not eat fish yourself, but don't disturb others to catch and eat fish. Even more shameful, some people use environmental protection to increase their influence, call for donations, and use their influence for profit. This kind of talent is the most terrifying and worthy of vigilance.

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