We have to work hard to live

Vaughn 2022-03-21 09:03:07

Tuesday is usually a movie day with my colleagues and I leave school
at 7pm , rain or shine. . .
Yesterday, I finally got into the movie screening room once it was not dark. .
It's on time. I remember being 15 minutes late last time I watched the Golden Compass. .
After entering, I have been trying to understand the meaning of the movie. . The child who was struggling, ahaha, Huangshi
, had read the introduction a long time ago and always thought it was a movie about the Nanjing Massacre, so he was hesitant whether to watch it or not. . For the cruel scene, I still couldn't bear to watch it. Later , I was ashamed to see a good foreign handsome guy on the poster. . Hehe, doesn't it look like the plot of "British Patient". . I made up my mind and told my colleagues to watch this movie. . . This is a movie that started preparations in 2006 and was not released until 2008. The background of the movie is a tragic history. . . At that time, everyone should have a heavy shadow in their hearts. . So terrified of the sound of planes flying. . . Hock , a graduate of Oxford, a war correspondent, his fear comes from the Nanjing battlefield, the moment he was captured by the Japanese and was about to be beheaded . Holding a family photo at night. . The only thing that could keep him quiet might be the crickets he's been taming. . His heart is full of anger, he hates the Japanese, and he can kill them with a gun in anger at a young age, but in the end he also died of his own hatred, which is also a good ending, and will not suffer from this kind of Torture of hatred. . .

Qing is a cheerful child on the surface. I can always see his calm and gentle eyes in the movies.
At the beginning, I always thought that he was the healthiest of the orphans, but under Hock's suggestion, when all the children were ready to move with their families, But in the camera, I saw the scene of the child hanging himself. .
Unable to calm down for a long time. . . I think the style of this movie is not in those big bowls, but in these children. . Some children with distinct personalities, sad eyes. . . wounded heart. . . In the devastated city, the living people still have to continue to live, even if there is only one day left. Maybe this is a kind of spirit. . We must be stronger and braver

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The Children of Huang Shi quotes

  • George Hogg: [say something in Chinese]

    Chen Hansheng: [impressed] Very good!

    George Hogg: Did you understand it?

    Chen Hansheng: Yes, you said, please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a pumpkin.

  • Lee Pearson: [while demonstrating to the boys how to apply flea powder] Take off your clothes.

    George Hogg: [taken aback] What?