Morgue Collection | A few horror adult fairy tales, really hanging!

Deven 2022-12-20 11:05:24

In the dark morgue of Montgomery, every body is a story, and every story has a cause and effect .

Morgue Collection tells four terrifying stories about karma through the mouths of administrator Montgomery Dark and Sam, a woman who came to apply for a job.

However, it is not so much a horror film as it is a collection of fantasy and bloody adult fairy tales . The film does not have many horror elements, and the connotation of the story is greater than the horror effect it creates.

Although the horror atmosphere is poor, the film is full of details . Each story seems to be irrelevant but connected. Four fantasy stories are told through the framework of 4+1, and then connected to the present, telling the reality beyond the story. in the story.

1. Take care of the third hand

At the party, Emma went into the bathroom to avoid being approached by a man. She is beautiful and generous, and is the object of many men's pursuit, but she has a bad habit of "three hands". She saw a storage box in the corner, so she scoured all the money in it.

When she was about to leave the bathroom, she saw that a cabinet was locked above the sink. Her greed made her want to find out, so she pried open the cabinet, but found a giant octopus with eight legs inside. She tried her best to break free, but Still unable to match the strength of the octopus claws, he was dragged into the cabinet and died unexpectedly.

2. To prevent dick explosion, remember to wear a condom

College student Jack and his peers gave speeches to the group of girls, popularizing the importance of safety measures, so that girls can gain physical autonomy , so condoms were distributed free of charge to each girl. But his actual purpose is to deceive the trust of the girls, so that more female classmates can participate in the parties they hold.

At the party, Jack met Sandra, the girl who met the eyes before.

When Jack was ready, Sandra asked for safety measures and "body autonomy", but Jack did not wear a condom for selfishness.

Afterwards, Jack found a rash on his lower body and went to the hospital for medical treatment, but was told that he was pregnant .

When he found and questioned Sandra why there was such a problem, Sandra said she thought Jack had taken security measures.

Helpless, Jack had no choice but to give birth to a child. He asked Sandra's father how to give birth to a child, and the answer was " where you go in and out ".

So because of the limited capacity of the urethra, Jack finally exploded and died .

Three love that lasts forever

Newlyweds Wendell and Carol read their vows at their wedding, and they will never change in life, old age, sickness or death .

But the good times didn't last long. Carroll was sick and bedridden. Although she had vital signs, her limbs could not move. Wendell, who loved Carol deeply, gradually changed from taking good care of him to emotional breakdown.

Once love, now there are only unfinished bills, potty and empty eyes.

A private doctor who knew the situation gave Wendell a drug that would kill him without knowing it if he took two pills within 24 hours.

So Wendell, who was on the verge of collapse, planned to have his last dinner with his wife, and mixed drugs into Carol's dinner.

But after eating dinner, Carol suddenly reacted. The regretful Wendell hugged Carol to induce vomiting. When he put Carol back on the chair, Carol, who was unconscious again, fell to the dining table. , smashed directly onto the gift Wendell prepared for her - a statue of an arctic rabbit, the statue penetrated Carroll's head, causing him to die on the spot.

The increasingly broken Wendell decided to secretly dispose of Carroll's body. When he moved the box containing Carroll's body into the elevator, the elevator malfunctioned and suddenly fell.

In the process of falling, he saw the once sweet hallucination with Carroll. In the hallucination, the dead Carol turned into a skeleton and flew out of the box and kissed him.

When the police came to break open the elevator door, Wendell was holding his and Carroll's wedding album, reciting the wedding vows, "I will never change in life, old age, sickness and death."

He is crazy .

The bad four always win

The fourth story is told by a woman who came to apply for a job calling herself Sam.

One rainy night, Sam, the babysitter, was preparing dinner in the kitchen. Real-time news was reported on the TV in the living room. There was a riot in a local mental patient .

Sam came to the living room and found a man in the room with blood on his head. The two began to entangle. Finally, Sam fell the man down the stairs and smashed the man to death with a TV.

But the news broadcast on TV at this time showed that the patient who escaped was confirmed to be Sam.

The film deliberately puts the first point of view on Sam, making the audience think that Sam is the nanny and the man is the patient. Sam is actually the one who broke in, and the man is the real babysitter, Sam.

The four stories seem to have no connection, but in fact there is a character throughout the whole film, that is, the personal doctor in story three . In story one, he approached Emma. In story two, he was punished and not allowed to use a scalpel. The doctor in the clinic, in the third story, became an unethical personal doctor, and finally in the fourth story, his son was made dinner by the tooth fairy.

Buddhism pays attention to the cycle of cause and effect. Everything has cause and effect.

Western countries do not believe in Buddhism, but they also say that good is rewarded with good and evil is rewarded, which is called the universal balance of all things .

In the first story, Emma, ​​who has three hands, was finally punished by eight hands;

In the second story, Jack, who advocates that women should be autonomous, can't wear a condom. In the end, things like venereal diseases and unintended pregnancy that will hurt girls all came to him;

In the third story, Wendell is said to be unswerving, but he wants to end the life of his beloved, and is eventually turned into a madman by love;

In the fourth story, the doctor who did an episode of bad things returned home to find that his babysitter was killed and his son was boiled.

After telling the story, Sam also showed her true colors. She didn't come to apply for the job, but to get the teeth of the doctor's son who was just about to be cremated, adding another name to her "Zewan Tooth Fairy". murder.

But this ancient house also showed its magic, it summoned every child who was made dinner by Sam, and used Sam as the children's dinner, and the cause and effect formed a closed loop .

This is the universal balance of all things, and all the decisions you make will be fed back to you in another form . As for whether it is positive feedback or negative feedback, it all depends on your initial decision.

The overall style of the film is quite the style of the horror films of the last century, and the four stories are gradually increasing in level of excitement. In addition to the irony of each small story, the most intriguing is the details in the film. There are foreshadowings related to the story buried everywhere. It is recommended to watch the story for the first time and the details for the second time , which will be two different experiences.

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