growing up

Marianna 2022-03-22 09:01:51

This is a heartwarming film about growing up, Homer became obsessed with spaceflight because he saw satellites flying by in the night sky, and started the process of building rockets, in the process, most of the resistance he encountered was related to his father, The second is the school principal, and the final mediator is the mother and the teacher Riley. One of the things that impressed me the most was the influence of the roles of father and teacher on Homer. It's not that the father doesn't love his son. In the first half of his life, no one could get out of the mining area except for football. From the beginning of the film, it can be seen that Homer is not a "good student". Practical fantasy, down-to-earth working in the mining area, many details can show the father's deep feelings for the mining area. In his concept, mining is the only way out for children in the mining area like his son who have not been able to change their fate through sports. The best It is to be the head of the mining area like himself, but he doesn't know that such "for your own good" is just imposing his will on his son. Fortunately, his stubborn character inherited from him has made Homer continue to persevere and walk out of a bright path. the way. Eventually Homer and his father reached a settlement. In fact, it is not only Homer who grew up, but also his father. They both have persistent personalities, and this type of character is the reason why the two of them have made a breakthrough in their own fields, and it is also the reason why they disagree with Maimang when they disagree. During the entire conflict, the son realized the difficulty of his father, and the father realized the value of his son's perseverance. Although there are many conflicts between father and son in the movie, the background of the conflict is warm family affection. Mr. Riley is Homer's first true supporter and guide for his rocket-building project. When he faced difficulties with the principal, it was Mr. Riley who helped him out of the siege; when he was handcuffed by the police officer, it was Mr. Riley who defended him angrily; when he encountered bottlenecks and confusion in his experiments and life, it was Mr. Riley who gave him Guidance and direction. Without the support of the teacher, maybe the Rocket Boys would still be struggling, maybe give up in the frustration and confusion of failures, Riley is a great teacher. Homer's success lies in his dedication to his goals and down-to-earth learning. He relied on the books provided by Riley to learn by himself, and together with his friends, he made suggestions to solve the problems in the rocket manufacturing process, improve the rocket little by little, and continuously increase the height of the rocket. Although the two of them stayed up all night and deduced a formula for free fall motion, they improved the rocket step by step from roughness to refinement while learning and trial and error. This is the real scientific research process and scientific research attitude.

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October Sky quotes

  • Principal Turner: Miss Riley, our job is to give these kids an education.

    Miss Riley: Mmm-hmm.

    Principal Turner: Not false hopes.

    Miss Riley: False hopes? Do you want me to sit quiet, let 'em breathe in coal dust the rest of their life?

    Principal Turner: Miss Riley, once in a while... a lucky one... will get out on a football scholarship. The rest of 'em work in the mines.

    Miss Riley: How 'bout I believe in the unlucky ones? Hmm? I have to, Mister Turner, I'd go out of my mind.

  • John: [to Leon, about helping Homer] Don't you have some work to do?