told some interesting truths

Anastasia 2022-10-07 08:48:19

This kind of environmental protection film is actually a bit similar to the previous "Dolphin Bay", and it promotes some shocking and little-known content to the public, which is very interesting. The only point is, how can you know the truth? People still sighed and ate the sea fish they bought at home, and then, just like the so-called "sustainable fishing" sign mentioned in the inside, they felt that the fish they bought was not really caught in the sea, but a few in the film. The truth is worth thinking about:

1. Dolphins are caught in Japan just to keep the tuna in stock, and those tuna are exported elsewhere.

2. Those so-called sustainable fishing cannot curb the problem of overfishing at all. The "Sustainable Fishing" licenses issued by non-profit organizations are actually just an illusion created by conspiracy with fishing agencies, in order to make consumers feel at ease to eat fish.

3. The biggest destroyer of marine ecology is actually commercial fishing, and fishing nets are the biggest marine pollutants, but environmental protection public welfare organizations do not mention it at all. Trawling has brought about overall damage to the marine environment, even worse than oil spills. It mentioned a crude oil spill, but the environment for the fish behind was better because fishing stopped during that time.

4. It is mentioned that there is almost no fish in the offshore areas of Libya due to commercial fishing, and the lives of the indigenous people who were self-sufficient by fishing have been destroyed, so they have to start the way of pirates, that is, Somali pirates.

5. There are also problems in artificial aquaculture sea areas. Fish excrement makes the farmed fish easily infected, and the feed fed is also obtained from the caught marine fish, which basically cannot solve the problem.

6. The most fundamental way to solve marine ecological problems is to stop eating fish. It is mentioned that fish have existed on the earth for hundreds of millions of years. They have a super-developed nervous system and can even perceive the disturbance of seawater, so they are very sensitive to pain. They are sensitive and have empathy, so hunting them is actually a very cruel act.

7. What are the benefits of eating more fish? Eating more fish can only increase various carcinogens and heavy metals.... The so-called deep-sea fish oil can actually be extracted from algae.

8. The film only reminds some more important facts. Under the coercion and calculation of capital, will anyone take action? Or will human beings change under the drive of appetite? This is a problem...

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