Time goes by, two people who used to love each other lost to reality

Evangeline 2022-09-16 14:25:55

Conversation with the other women The two people who once fell in love lost to the clean and tidy shooting of real-life films, without complicated backgrounds, only in the dialogue, the warmth, nostalgia, and With the resentment and regret of the past vividly expressed. The film begins with the woman at the invitation of her ex-husband's sister, who temporarily replaces the bridesmaid at the wedding (apparently on purpose). The two hadn't seen each other for ten years. Although they were a little embarrassed, they talked directly and had no sense of disobedience. At the wedding, the two people went from greeting, harmless condolences, and side-by-side understanding of each other's situation, to each other's strong detection, and they wanted to cover up. Recalling the past, it was always sunny when they first met. They had common hobbies and tastes, but the two young hearts, because of love, acted recklessly and hypocritically, so that they were separated by mountains and rivers. The two currently have each other's partners. The man's partner is a college student. He is obviously still a child who has not grown up. He is eager for novelty, unrealistic romance, and does not admit defeat. He explores women's lives and women's families directly. And full of hostility. The heroine seems to have a good time, has a job, has a decent husband, and gets along well with her husband's children. Although a woman has repeatedly shown her a beautiful marriage life to a man, the complex family structure is destined to have unspeakable suffering for her, so that beautiful young time is also strongly attractive to her. In fact, the two have been struggling all the time, but they are attracted to each other, and they want to go back to the past for a moment, but everything is defeated by reality. When a woman takes off her bridesmaid dress, the curves of her body truly see the traces of the passage of time. In the end, it was destined to be separated. The man sent the woman to the car, and the woman handed the cigarette to the man, saying that her husband did not know that she would smoke. It can be seen that the woman is her true self during this half-day and one-night gathering. The taxi driver asked her if she was married, and she said no, she had been married. It can be seen that the reality she has to face when she goes back is not so optimistic. There is no complicated background, only large lines, two main characters, only one bridesmaid has long lines, but they show their real dilemma vividly. The partners on both sides use vague methods, and it is clear that their existence at this moment is no match for the bright sunshine of their youth and the nostalgia for each other's bodies. And their not-so-good past also used the method of hand-held video recording, with a shaky feeling, which seemed less real. The split-screen technique is used directly and skillfully. No matter how good the past is, the two hearts that were once together must face their own future. Several lines of the man can be called classic "The spilled milk can be returned to the jar, the broken teacup can be magically restored, and time can really move forward and backward, but the world will not change because of this. Go, a broken teacup is always a broken teacup, I love you, good or bad, take it on the road." "It's good to be happy, but it's fucking too hard, you know."

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Conversations with Other Women quotes

  • [first lines]

    Man: Wish me luck.

  • Woman: Tell me, how old is umm... Sarah the Dancer.

    Man: Oh, she's a... she's a college graduate.

    Woman: Her age?

    Man: She's a recent college graduate.

    Woman: Yeah, like 21.

    Man: 22.

    [Woman walks away. Man follows]

    Man: But she's 23 on August the 12th!

    Woman: 23 on August the 12th... Well, that's a beautiful age.

    Man: Why would you wanna know?

    Woman: You know why I wanted to know.

    Man: Maybe I do. Say it anyway.

    Woman: I wanted to know because I wanted to know. I wanted know if you were flirting with me.

    Man: What does Sarah's age have to do with it?

    Woman: I am the same age as you, I think, and a man, my age, who prefers 23 on August the 12th might not flirt with someone who is... lets just say 15 years past 23 on August the 12th.