How does Mr. Holland educate students?

Keely 2022-03-21 09:02:40

Note: These dialogues are based on the movie "Life is Beautiful because of You".

[Student A: Miss Ling, a girl who has been studying clarinet for three years. She has low self-esteem because her family is very good and has a good skill. Although she practiced hard, she did not improve. Later, with the inspiration and help of Mr. He Lun, she finally achieved a breakthrough and gained self-confidence when she was almost about to give up. Ultimately, become governor. (Note the brisk confidence when the governor came to power at the end)]

Miss Ling: Sir.

He Lun: You're late. You forgot the black tube here.

Miss Ling: Yes, I am willing to quit the band if you know anyone who wants it. I'm holding everyone back, I just came to say thank you, thank you for helping me!

He Lun: Is it fun to play the clarinet?

Miss Ling: I want that too!

He Lun: Miss, we keep using the wrong method, we just play the notes on the paper.

Miss Ling: Besides, what else is there to brag about?

He Lun: The music is not only recorded on the sheet music, taking them as an example (Mr. He Lun played the music of the Rolling Stones), they did not sing very well, and there was absolutely no concept of harmony, they kept repeating these three chords, But I like them. How about you?

Miss Ling: I like it!

Helen: Like it? Why?

Miss Ling: I don't know.

Helen: You know.

Miss Ling: Because it's fun.

Helen: Yes. Because playing music should be fun, it's about emotions, about feelings, moving people, beautiful, alive, it's not a note printed on paper, I can teach you what's in a book, but another I can't teach you. Do me a favor and pick up your clarinet and play with me.

Miss Ling: Good.

He Lun: This time, it doesn't make sense, because you're already familiar with it, it's already in your head, your fingers, and your heart, you just don't believe in yourself. Okay, here we go, are you ready? (Miss Ling blows, she failed) It's okay, let's come again! Don't get your mouthpiece too deep this time.

Miss Ling: Good. (again fail)

He Lun: It's okay, no no, don't be discouraged! I ask you a question-

Miss Ling: What?

He Lun: When you look in the mirror, what do you like most about yourself?

Miss Ling: (smiles, seems to fall into memory) My hair.

Helen: Why?

Miss Ling: My father often said that it reminded him of the sunset...

He Lun: Let's blow out the sunset. (Ms. Ling plays successfully) Close your eyes, don't stop!

[Student B: Louie Wentz, a hard-working black boy, a wrestler (three interstate wrestling finals), a mess in the culture class, for the credits, He Lun friend, physical education teacher Bill Meister asks He Lun for help Put him in the band. With the help of He Lun, he turned from a tone deaf to a qualified drummer. Later, he died on the battlefield in Vietnam. 】


Helen: Can you read sheet music? Even a little bit?

Louis Wentz: No

He Lun: You have to understand that you need to know at least some basic common sense of music before you can join a band.

Louie Wentz: Sir, I will work hard, I know how to work hard, but I am not the material for reading.

He Lun: Understood. So, what instrument do you want to play?

Louie Wentz: Well, I thought about an electric guitar?

He Lun: This is an honor band, and your long wires will trip us up. How about playing a trumpet?

Louie Wentz: The plus size is only for those big fat people with acne-prone faces.

He Lun: Well, the time left for you to get started is limited. Are you interested in playing drums?

Louie Wentz: Drums? OK!


Helen: You're almost there, Mr. Wentz...follow the beat, Mr. Wentz...stop! what happen? What are you doing?

Louie Wentz: I don't know where to go again.

He Lun: Then look for it.


Helen: Let's start all over again! ... stop stop! It is your good fortune, saved by the bell. Same time and same place tomorrow. thank you all.

LOUIS WORTH: Sir, I want you to know that...

He Lun: You will work hard, I know.

Louie Wentz: Thank you, Mr. Holland.

Helen: You're welcome.


He Lun: General, you have no chess to play.

Bill Meester: All right. Also, school kids are like my sons and daughters, and sometimes I want to beat them up, but I want them to be more successful. Will it work? is it possible?

Helen: I don't think so.

Bill Meester: Please, I need him.

He Lun: Not wrestling is not the end of the world.

Bill Meester: For him it was. He has nothing else but wrestling. Not about wrestling, I care about this kid.

He Lun: How can I keep a kid who can't play an instrument in the band?

Bill Meester: You teach him.

Holland: Tell me you can't teach someone like Louis Wentz.

Bill Meester: The kids who are motivated and willing to learn bang bang bang bang.

Helen: I tried it.

Bill Meester: It's not "trying" but "teaching."

Helen: I have taught, but not.

Bill Meester: Then you're a terrible teacher. I couldn't bear to see his opportunity taken away in vain while I was still within my power. I was just like him when I was young, and if no one gave me a chance to develop my skills, I would never have been as good a coach as I am now. The chess team has never accepted me, and you have seen my end!


Helen: Stop!

Louie Wentz: Sir?

He Lun: Congratulations, you found the rhythm!

[Student C: Stena, a white boy, smart, good at homework and not fond of studying, cynical and afflicted with drug addiction. He was shocked when Holland demanded more from him and took him to Louis Wentz's funeral. 】

He Lun: Did you take medicine again?

Sterner: I don't need this class, I know all this stuff, I can name all the names and dates, I know all the scales, the forms, the counterpoints.

He Lun: So what, this class is called "Music Appreciation", I don't think you are appreciating anything.

Stena: Nonsense.

He Lun: Sit down, you're so close to being expelled! Dude, think you're smart, well, prove it to me, at the end of the semester I want you to hand me a paper, no blank lines between lines, and notes, titled—"Music: The Language of Emotions" "

Sterner: I can't write it!

He Lun: Give it a try. There are no extra points if you pass it, but you will definitely fail if you don't pass it!

Sterner: That's not fair, Mr. Holland!

He Lun: Life isn't fair, man!

(Someone comes in and whispers a message to He Lun)

Holland: Sir, got it, tell Mrs. Jacobs and I'll make arrangements.

Stena: Can I go now?

Helen: No. I want you to meet me here at 10 am on Saturday.

Stena: Why?

He Lun: Investigation.

[Mr. Holland takes Sterner to Louis Wen's funeral]

Stena: Who is it?

Helen: The young man I taught him to play the drums, who made it to the interstate wrestling final three years in a row. He is definitely not as smart as you, and he has to study hard to graduate. Maybe that's why he cherishes it so much. - Now you can go home.

[Student D: Dai Lina, a student with great talent in singing, Mr. He Lun further developed her talent through tutoring and encouraged her to pursue her dream. 】


Delina: I've tried my best to sing.

He Lun: That's fine, I just want to ask you one question, how do you think the girl was feeling at the time?

Delina: I don't know.

He Lun: You have to know, or you won't be able to sing. The song is full of anticipation, Miss Darina. It's about a woman, alone in a cold world, and the only thing she wants is someone to hug her tightly and tell her that everything will be alright. It's about, the thirst for love, from the bottom of my heart. Do you understand? Try again, start over. This time I'm going to be a little more down-to-earth.

Dai Lina: There is an ancient rumor/Love is blind/It is often said that if you seek, you will find it/So I am going to find/The person in my heart...


Delina: Hi, sir.

Helen: Miss.

Delina: What are you writing?

He Lun: Nothing, not too important. It's just that sometimes it's easier to work here than at home.

Delina: Mind if I sit down?

He Lun: No, how come? Want coffee or tea? Pick anything under a dollar.

Delina: Your class, what I remember most is that you are very humorous, sir.

Helen: Thank you!

Delina: I love taking your class, the way you teach it. You love music and make your students fall in love with it. I've been meaning to tell you these things.

Helen: Glad you like it. Now that you're in your senior year, have you thought about which university to go to?

Delina: No, my parents have a restaurant in the city. It's my dad's dream to open a restaurant. He wants me to stay and help him, really.

Helen: How about you?

Delina: What do you mean?

Helen: I mean, if you have a wish, something you want to do anyway. What will it be?

Delina: Sing. I love singing more than anything. Sometimes I dream that I'm standing on the big stage in New York with thousands of people in front of me, and that's my wish.

Holland: Maybe I shouldn't have said that, Miss Delina. But you're...very talented, and if you really have that passion, that desire, you should go to New York. Do what you want, no matter what others say.

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Extended Reading

Mr. Holland's Opus quotes

  • Principal Jacobs: Mr. Holland, it has come to my attention that you are teaching the students rock and roll.

    Glenn Holland: Is this a problem?

    Vice Principal Gene Wolters: Is this a problem? Yes, I think so. Our only job is to teach. We cannot teach and the students cannot learn if there is no discipline.

    Glenn Holland: Uh... I'm sorry, uh, what exactly is your point, Gene?

    Vice Principal Gene Wolters: My point is rock and roll, by its very nature, leads to a breakdown in discipline.

    Glenn Holland: Well, what would you like me to do? Deny that rock and roll exists?

    Vice Principal Gene Wolters: What I am... What we are saying is that you should be pushing the classics. Brahms, Mozart, Stravinsky.

    Glenn Holland: Stravinsky was the music of the Russian Revolution, if you want to talk about a breakdown in discipline.

    Vice Principal Gene Wolters: You are deliberately exaggerating.

    Glenn Holland: How about the Kingston Trio, Gene? How about Sing Along with Mitch?

    Vice Principal Gene Wolters: Oh, please!

    Principal Jacobs: Just a minute, gentlemen. Mr. Holland, I do not want to interfere in the curriculum of any teacher. But next week, I have a meeting with the school board. And there are people in this community who believe that rock and roll is a message sent from the devil himself. Now when that issue comes up, what can I tell them?

    Glenn Holland: Mrs. Jacobs, you tell them that I am teaching music, and that I will use anything from Beethoven to Billie Holiday to rock and roll, if I think it'll help me teach a student to love music.

  • Bill Meister: [pulling Glenn out of the lunch line] Teachers don't wait.

    Glenn Holland: Pardon me?

    Bill Meister: High school is not a democracy. Teachers don't wait. Bill Meister, phys ed.

    Glenn Holland: Glenn Holland. Music teacher.

    Bill Meister: Hi.

    [Bill hands Glenn a plate of cafeteria food]

    Bill Meister: There you go.

    Glenn Holland: Oh, my God. What is this?

    Bill Meister: It's Monday. It's turkey Spam surprise. You could mortar walls with it. Word of advice: always bring a bag lunch.

    Glenn Holland: Where's yours?

    Bill Meister: I ate it in second period.