It's beautiful, a little bit silly

Lesly 2022-03-21 09:01:45

In fact, it is still very good-looking, and the technique is not new, but the car chase scene is really good.
Someone in IMDB said a lot of bugs, I think the biggest flaw should be the key item: Sony Ericsson P990i. I know this phone, the running memory is only about 10 megabytes after it is turned on. If you put it there, it can crash if you don't do anything. In the movie, there is also a remote control fan machine gun explosive pack. . . so funny!
In the end, the villain is definitely not the conscience and the brakes. How could the person who made such a big plan lose the big because of the small at the last moment? It can only be said that the car was already very chaotic at that time, and suddenly a person ran out in front. At this time, a driver's instinct replaced thinking - it can be seen that the terrorists' training was not in place, and the chain fell off at a critical time.
I've never been impressed with Dennis Quaid before, but this time I almost saw it as Harrison Ford. Sure enough, no matter whether it is male or female, the face is thin and looks good immediately.

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Extended Reading

Vantage Point quotes

  • President Ashton: This intel is certain?

    Phil McCullough: Absolutely.

    President Ashton: Then why aren't we focusing on the ones who are here actually doing this?

    Phil McCullough: We are.

    President Ashton: This summit is too important.

    Phil McCullough: I know that sir, but we're looking for five people out of six million. We are trying.

    President Ashton: Try harder!

  • Ted Heinkin: [to President Ashton] You can't give the order. You've been shot!