Dai Jinhua + small gray leather notes

Daphney 2022-03-22 09:02:21

The representative works of French poetic realism and Renoir's realism, full of pacifist spirit, are a microscopic study of European history at the beginning of the century. In the context of World War I, two French prisoners of war escaped from the prisoner of war camp, and the world's first prison escape movie was born - "What is the prisoner of war camp for, it is used for prison escape!". It is a metaphor for the decline of the European aristocracy and the rise of the workers and bourgeoisie. Among the tomahawks were Russians, French and British, professors, actors, bankers, capitalists, laborers and technicians. The plot of the film has been diluted, and the use of voice-over "caused a kind of space expansion and the creation of space and space in the process of screen time display" 37:54 scene scheduling, prisoners of war lie on the windowsill, but the sound is the sound of footsteps and noises outside , "Children German Soldiers" heralded the situation the war was going to lead. Although the audience knew that the prisoners of war were planning to escape, there was no specific footage showing them doing it. Instead, they saw more of their concern for a good meal and their desire for women. The Christmas night scene of a man disguised as a woman After the dance, France's good news was announced, and the 360-degree camera scheduling showed the director's skill, highlighting the documentary and realism of the film, which should be emphasized over the plot. In addition to the use of voice-overs, four languages ​​are used in the film. The conflict of the languages ​​itself adds drama and complexity to the film. At the same time, because of the differences in language and classes, it shows the estranged state of people. The flute played by the French noble officer led to his death, and after the escape, the two were reunited because of the flute sound, and the music also promoted the development of the narrative. "Big" disillusionment, which one is the big one?

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La Grande Illusion quotes

  • Capt. de Boeldieu: Is that supposed to be witty?

  • L'ingénieur: I hate the way German bulletins exaggerate.

    Lieutenant Maréchal: And our papers don't? Remember "the Russian steamroller"?