Smile when you eat something delicious

Michele 2022-03-23 09:03:13

Mr. Manager, how is the situation in the store? I'm worried your mood will drop. When I make bean paste, I always listen to the stories the beans tell, imagine the sunny and rainy days the beans have seen, the breeze blows over what the beans are talking about, listen to their journey stories, yes, listen to them. I think everything in this world has a story to tell, even the sun and the wind, you can hear their story, maybe that's why, last night, the breeze came in and over the holly fence, it seemed Tell me I should get in touch with you once. Mr. Store Manager, we want to stay away from right and wrong and live our own lives, but sometimes we are hurt by the ignorance of this society. Sometimes we have to use our own wisdom. I should have told you this earlier. Mr. Manager, I believe that one day, you will make your own dorayaki, realize your ideas, and have the confidence to go your own way. Mr. Manager, I believe you can do it. ——Tokue Yoshii I sometimes wonder why many Japanese movies don’t have an accompaniment, a piece of music, from beginning to end. There is only the sound of the sea breeze, the chirping of birds and insects, and the chirping of crows. Perhaps, it is to restore the most essence of film: record. Ms. Dejiang asked the store manager for the first time, do you know who picked the cherry tree at the door? Encourage students: Do what you want, be happy, and be free. When she left the store for the last time, Ms. Dejiang looked up and walked, waving goodbye to the birds in the tree. Immediately brought tears to my eyes. "We want to live under the dazzling sunshine", is it wrong to be sick, and is it wrong to live. Ms. Dejiang, who is active in life, will blame the store manager, "Why, how can you do this? Bean paste is the soul, why should you treat it so casually?" The attitude towards food is a lady's love for life; Ms. Dejiang will still make bean paste At the time, I leaned over and said softly to the beans, "Work hard and work hard~"; Ms. Dejiang said to Wakana in the recording, "I'm sorry, I want to apologize to you", I already guessed that she must be Let the canary fly, because she had been in that fence too, she loved the cherry blossoms, it was so beautiful, and the world was so beautiful.

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Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.