
Ibrahim 2022-03-23 09:03:04

From close-up, medium shot, panorama, long shot

Take our eyes away, this sailboat, it means we should stay away from him, or is it dangerous

siren song, sea

The rocks at sea are muscles

The sailboat in the story is Corrado's sailboat

Corrado thinks about where to go the same way she thinks about how she should live, and in the end they say there may or may not be a good place in the world. People may walk and walk and be beaten, and in the end only die in the place where we were born. Where to go in the industrial age, the destination of human soul.

Strange spatial relationships during sex, from body to an empty bed to a wiggling back.

The final room is full of ambiguous, tender, initially sensual colors.

She escapes, he catches up, she talks to him, but her voice is drowned out by the car

Use sounds and colors to suggest psychological changes. For example, after Juliana took off her coat, there was the high-pitched noise of the machine, and then stopped again, indicating that Juliana had a desire for Corrado, but It soon disappeared again, her absurd, changing psychology.

The sailboat in the story is at the end of the film. It's the girl, the heroine, who boarded the sailboat, but couldn't communicate with the people inside. She wanted to leave, so she left without warning. It seems that the girl in the story lives on a deserted beach. There is no need to think about those things in life. The absence of basic human needs in the story means that the heroine no longer cares about the quality of her actual life. She just wanted to find a place to live for herself. So this sailboat, she also thought it was hope, but it didn't bring anything, couldn't communicate, and there was no one. (She first came to the beach because she couldn't communicate with others.)

Juliana's spirit and soul in the industrial age were severely distorted, and her husband was indeed a representative of the industry, an engineer and a man who planned strategies in the factory. This is the first meaning of their identities - the perpetrator and the Victims, but the two are completely obsessed with this hidden relationship; as a husband and wife, Hugo always pays attention to Juliana's feelings on the surface, but he is far away from it in his heart, as shown in: Juliana He felt that he had a serious fever and had an excessive fear reaction, but Hugo kissed her more and more provocatively. There is no response, and when faced with provocations from other women, she cannot restrain her inner impulse. Therefore, the alienation between husband and wife in the industrial age is obviously not caused by the sudden mental breakdown after Juliana's car accident. Julie is also mentioned in the film. During the hospitalization after Yana's car accident, Hugo was in London instead of accompanying his wife, and Juliana also complained: "If Hugo looked at me, he would find me". In the fast-developing industrial age, Ugo, as an active adaptor or even an advocate of the industrial age, is immersed in it without realizing his own alienation—a cold heart like an industrial machine, while Juliana is a primitive soul Those who are deeply touched are sadly unable to adapt to the industrial age, unable to control themselves in the struggle against industrial pollution, unable to find a way out of their souls, unable to find a way to live, and eventually become distorted.

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Red Desert quotes

  • Corrado Zeller: Could you eat me too?

    Giuliana: If I loved you.

  • Corrado Zeller: Sometimes I feel like I have no right to be where I am. Perhaps that's why I keep moving.