A good documentary showing the process of healthcare reform

Blaise 2022-09-13 22:39:49

The treatment after a fire turned Romania's medical system into the first fig leaf to uncover corruption in the entire country. As a documentary, it presents the whole process of the medical investigation. Since the disinfectant used in the investigation hospital was diluted 10 times, the selection of disinfectant by the entire Ministry of Health became the first starting point of the investigation. There is an interesting point here about the “dilution” of public funds by the medical system, that is, the boundary between freedom of speech and incitement to violence. The media has been strictly paying attention to the outlet of public opinion to prevent it from evolving into social unrest and commotion, which is often proportional to the In principle, the starting point of a reasonable line is to measure whether the government has begun to take measures to interfere with the public. In addition, the film's grasp of judicial procedures and the standards of national authorities also runs through the entire investigation process, including the discussion between the prosecutor and the Ministry of Health on the withdrawal of disinfectants, which should be withdrawn by judicial procedures rather than government departments. Unqualified disinfectant. I'm not sure if this is a movie or not, but it is very much like a qualified social event government investigation steps and media questioning. Only a country with freedom of speech and media can justify and question the independence of the investigation and its results. I remember the teacher said before in class that watching this kind of film a lot of times is more like an obsession with democracy. In the context where the word democracy has become a bit of a joke, it is more important to understand the entire social system that this word includes. This film shows the relationship between the people and the government from one aspect. Fukuyama once said in his book that democracy has now reached the end of the development of a system, and now it is more about the thorough implementation and supervision of the democratic system within the Western democratic system. Taking into account the background of the epidemic, Fukuyama believes that even if democracy has been challenged to a certain extent, it does not represent a fundamental subversion and suspicion of Western democratic politics, but is precisely the process of self-improvement and implementation of this system.

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  • Catalin Tolontan: When the press bows down to the authorities, the authorities will mistreat the citizens. This has always happened, worldwide, and it has happened to us.