When there is a conflict between environmental protection and interests, of course, take care of yourself.

Monte 2022-09-27 13:50:24

I have been in contact with the "Plastic Ocean" documentary for a while, and it seems that nothing has changed, but it seems that something has changed: the awareness of environmental protection has increased.

The documentary of the fishery conspiracy was quite shocking to me, and sustainable development is really not worth mentioning in the face of interests.

Some environmental protection companies that we think we can trust with confidence are deep in water and even darker. For example, you can buy environmental protection labels with money, and there is no guarantee that the production process of products with environmental protection labels will harm marine life. Hehe, I am speechless. When the authority of an authority is worthy of scrutiny, is all that trust ironic?

This made me think: The small town I live in is dominated by the stone industry. A few years ago, the government rectified environmental problems and closed most of the ore companies. People around me responded that they had no money to make. I asked, "Don't you know that this hurts your body, and the impact of dust caused by mining is very long-term." They actually said: "When you make enough money, you can just move out and live."

We are destroying the environment, and the environment is not a separate individual, but an accumulation.

That's why we always advocate that environmental protection starts small, starting with you. Because what you do alone counts.

The documentary "Plastic Ocean" tells us to use reusable products and try not to use plastic products. Marine creatures have no ability to distinguish plastic products, which makes it easy to accidentally ingest a certain amount and inevitably die. And all biological existence has its necessity, and human intervention cannot cause extinction.

And what was more shocking to me was the acquisition of shark fins. All the good feasts on our side have shark fins, and thinking of how shark fins are obtained in this way, it is hard to avoid self-blame. Blind obedience, putting the world in the first place, or outright rejection, these two choices require courage.

It is said that eating fish will make you smarter and how many fish are not polluted by plastic, I don't know. I know: the toxins of plastic accumulate to a certain extent, and people will become smart and have ghosts.

The "fishing conspiracy" is more directional: fishing. Waste from fishing appears to be more exposed to marine life, such as fishing nets. The disposal of the fishing net seems more imminent, but as if out of my reach, let's start with what I can. Another thing that touches me more is that dolphins are regarded as scapegoats for the sharp decline of marine fish. If dolphins are driven out and slaughtered together, the bloody ocean will never be forgotten.

In addition, I found that I have a little environmental formalism: for example, I don't want to use plastic bags but I can't avoid them, but I actually throw away the plastic bags that are not dirty. (Those reusable plastic bags are thrown away by me) Remember: plastic bags are also reusable. The essence of environmental protection is to increase the utilization rate of items.

mutual encouragement!

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