non-story road movie

Norval 2022-03-21 09:01:57

It is found that the preferences for movies can actually be divided into: story-based and non-story-based. Storytellers like plots that are ups and downs or full of logic, such as "Two Smoking Guns" and "Rohan" series make them love; non-storytellers don't care about plots, prose-style films can also be boring for an afternoon After reading it, they paid more attention to the language of the picture rather than the dialogue; the emotion rather than the story itself. Usually story and non-story can be measured by Japanese slow-paced films such as "April Story". And American road movies are enough to kill every storyteller and make them go crazy.
But this is precisely the great love of the non-story school, because it is driving on a wide and uninhabited country road, full of harvested cornfields or barren land; because it is driving on a lonely road, it is more able to precipitate emotions And thinking; because thousands of miles are uninhabited, everyone you meet can be warm enough to hug each other.
Mr. Stewart is a veteran who participated in World War II. He is so stubborn that he would rather have two canes than crutches. He would rather smoke to death than treat emphysema. He will go without X-rays, examinations, and bending down. weeding. Look at his cloudy blue eyes, mouth full of white stubble and equally stubborn cowboy hat. It's like hitting someone in your heart. In your memory, there is always an old man, stubborn but old, looking at you that makes you feel kind, but stubbornly irresponsible for the rest of his life. This old man was driving a lawnmower and dragging a trailer across a state to see his brother who had a stroke.
An old man started to travel tremblingly with a carriage of sausages. The lawnmower was slower than the bicycle, and he was smoking a cigarette, watching the scenery by the roadside, slowing down the long, sad country music that he had beaten a lot. The wind took away his cowboy hat as a cart passed him. All he could do was stop, pull out two canes, scramble down the lawnmower, move over, stoop hard to pick a hat, walk back, scramble up on the lawnmower, and keep driving. The next time a big car passed by, he put on his hat beforehand, and the car passed without the hat off, and he shrugged contentedly.
It's a movie at such a slow pace, like a lawnmower driving down the road. David Lynch even showed the slowness of old age with the same speed.
Alvin Straight: You don't think about getting old when you're young... you shouldn't.
Cyclist #1: Must be something good about gettin' old?
Alvin Straight: Well I can't imagine anything good about being blind and lame at the same time but, still at my age I've seen about all that life has to dish out. I know to separate the wheat from the chaff, and let the small stuff fall away.
Cyclist #2: So, uh, what's the worst part about being old, Alvin? Alvin Straight: Well, the worst part of being old is rememberin' when
you were young.
Whether it's remorse, guilt, nightmares, and good times. When a person is about to die alone, Stewart stubbornly chooses to travel alone to finish the final road.
The people and events encountered on the road opened up the memory and entanglement of this sullen old man. He often looked at such a clear starry sky with turbid blue eyes that had begun to be invisible. The eyes are full of stars, appearing so many times, quiet and distant. Every time he looks up at the starry sky, he should think of his slow, sad, stuttering, birdcage-loving daughter, his comrade-in-arms who accidentally killed him, and his brother whom he hadn't seen for decades because of his youthful vigour. When people begin to twilight, they will always realize that a little bit of their life has passed away, and they will always regret the regrets in the limited life, but the infinite starry sky can soothe these wounds. Fortunately, the old man Stewart went to a place to make up for his regrets on the road of life that has not yet come to an end. So he decided to go alone.
We are still young, so we are often afraid that we will lose our ability when we are old; but if you are really old, you will probably be like old man Stutt, not so concerned about the physical inconvenience, but in emotion” The life of being able to peel the wheat from the shell” and the memories buried deep in my heart.
This is a story based on a true story. Mr. Streit died three years after the trip. The feelings that settled down little by little in the film spewed out at the end. It was like countless small rivers that converged together and completely broke down the solid riverbanks in people's hearts. Even someone who was emotionally retarded like me shed a few tears. But a few is enough, because it doesn't speak much by itself, just the good and grand sunshine in the countryside in the afternoon, shining on the two old people are relatively silent.
It's not sensational, so don't flood it. This kind of accumulation, I really hope that the story pie can understand.

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The Straight Story quotes

  • Alvin Straight: I want to thank you for your kindness to a stranger.

    Danny Riordan, Clermont Resident: It's been a genuine pleasure having you here, Alvin. Write to us some time.

    Alvin Straight: I will.

  • Pete: He'll never make it past the Grotto.