The ocean is not a bank, the earth is not a spaceship

Dangelo 2022-11-30 06:44:08

First put a paragraph of mechanical materialism worldview

It has to be said that this is completely incomprehensible. The earth is an ecosystem and cannot be saved by saving a few "crews". The ocean is not just one or a group of machines, but an organically connected whole, which affects the whole body. Governance is by no means as simple as preventing catching or eating fish. Sometimes watching a documentary will refresh your cognition. It is to see clearly the limitations of the documentary itself.

The official's understanding is that he is a businessman from this perspective. When the protection of the ecology and the destruction of the ecology can be related to bank deposits and withdrawals, it is simply misleading. The complex relationship of nature itself far exceeds that of most consumers and even environmental protection. Perceptions of organizational leaders and officials. Such leadership, misleading voters and reporters with a statement that seems to be in line with everyday logic, must make consumers feel at ease, and the fishing conspiracy continues to exist.

This film is a good match for the just-released gh, which is interpreted from the natural disaster, what is a new changing situation for one hundred years.

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