The Brave Age of Romance Movies: From The Moment We Turn This Tour Into A Pink Champagne Tour

Esmeralda 2022-03-21 09:02:46

The love between Flandy and McKay in the movie is not a romance that doesn't eat the world, but a simple and true emotional story.

"Jinyumeng" is a classic poetic love film, and more than 30 years later, "Sleepless in Seattle" has paid tribute to this film many times. Director Leo McCaree used a slow rhythm to show the audience a love between cruise ships.

1. Light American love sketch

The love between Flandy and McKay in the movie is not a romance that doesn't eat the world, but an emotional story that is simple and full of true temperament.

The film captures various real emotions and mentalities in the admiration stage, and presents it in a humorous and poetic way. The interesting lines and the noble temperament of the hero and heroine bear the relaxed atmosphere of watching the movie, while the lyrical slow motion, From the level of detail, it interprets the deep and subtle psychological state of a relationship when it is budding.

McKay accidentally found Flandy's cigarette case, and the talkative and humorous Flandy took this opportunity to chat with McKay enthusiastically, and the two hit it off. old friend. Before parting, the two agreed to meet again at the Empire State Building six months later. Since then, the two have each started to work hard to make themselves better.

Life should be bright and happy, like the bubbles of champagne. So he quipped to her: "From this moment on, we're going to turn this trip into a pink champagne trip."

2. A bi person with a consonance

Among them, a man and a woman, Flandy and McKay, met on the cruise, and a beautiful love relationship started from the moment they found the cigarette box.

Mackay, played by Deborah Kerr in the movie, is a person who is very sensitive to feelings. Although he cares about the eyes of others, he also bravely pursues love. A pair of bi people who have the same heart and soul hit it off at first sight.

The noble and self-loving ladylikeness that she exudes is moving, and Deborah Kerr is an elegant and beautiful artist, whose affinity can be seen. In the film, he hummed a song softly, smiled knowingly when he spoke his heart, and cried when he was moved by Flandi's love. The detached relationship all made this film a meteoric scene in an instant, leaping above the smoky sky.

And Cary Grant's Flandy is more of a playboy who plays on the world. He has a talent for painting, dark skin, mature masculinity, and treats people with a humorous and friendly attitude. Sincere attitude.

Until he met McKay, he began to truly plan his life, and to examine himself with a new mentality, the one who had been wandering in the world for a long time finally belonged.

3. Authentic New York City Charm

The time on the cruise was short, and when they were about to arrive in New York, the two became very sad and unexpectedly ushered in the spring of love at a certain point in their lives. Although this love seems to have come at a bad time, they can find a little solace in the corner of the cruise ship. When they haven't said goodbye to their ex-lover, and their jobs haven't settled yet, Flanders and McKay can meet on a cruise ship and find romance in this troubled world.

After the romance, deal with the things in life. Say goodbye to your lover and go to a new one. The test of morality and conscience also made the heroine tangled for a while. The repeated thinking that night also made her firm in the person in front of her. So they gave each other six months to work on their future together.

"I want to make more money to marry you", "That's the best thing I've ever heard."

Following in the footsteps of Flandy and McKay, we saw a lot of what Leo McCaree saw. Whether it is the purple-blue seascape, the picturesque rural town along the cruise, or the sophisticated and fashionable clothes of Mackay, these interesting and exquisite urban settings let us feel from the eyes of an authentic Hollywood director New York has a fast urban rhythm and a charming humanistic style.

It is precisely because the scenes and characters are successfully shaped that it is very easy for the audience to immerse themselves in the emotions in the film.

They spent half a year testing their love,

Work hard for a better life in the future,

Between running back and forth, love is as bright as a rainbow, and in the beautiful scenery of the good day, everything seems to be a matter of course.

The two walked the streets together, had dinner together, hugged and danced together, and kept sparking humor because of small things. The subtle and subtle mentality and clever tricks in love are quite exciting and enjoyable to watch.

The director has captured this subtle emotional experience in the city very well, and what is more valuable is that he has a very close understanding of love. This is a Hollywood romance based on reality, pursuing a rational and tacit love experience. It is precisely the seemingly insignificant details in the relationship that are touching.

The best interpretation may be the word symbol that looks a little optimistic now. At the end of the film, the love of the mountain alliance has ushered in a happy ending after the test of time, life and car accident, which is the test order in life. To this love more tenacious.

This movie is making us see the skinny and fullness of love, and the emotions that belong to the love world can be seen in this movie. There are joys, romance, heart-to-heart, and real-life trade-offs. It is this that makes many people work hard in pursuit of love. The story shows us a positive view of love. Love can bring happiness to each other and make both parties more courageous to face life. Love is a wonderful journey in life, I think, is the meaning of love.

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An Affair to Remember quotes

  • Terry McKay: We were talking about the place where I was born...

    Nickie Ferrante: I can hardly wait for you to grow up.

  • Terry McKay: I'm getting married and I want you to be the first to congratulate me.

    NYC Cab Driver: Marriage is something to rush to?