My life theme is "Confrontation"

Curtis 2022-09-13 14:18:22

The documentary "Colectiv" can be translated as "Collective" or literally translated as "Kretsev". It tells the story of a nightclub in Romania called Kretsev. The disinfectant in the hospital where the wounded lived was diluted, causing the wounded to die one after another. There is no representative of authority to explain and take charge of all this, some people keep silent, and some people even die inexplicably.

There are people in the film who confront, accuse, or save all of them from the aspects of news, politics and artistic expression, but often they get no results.

At the end of the film, the Minister of Health from Vienna had a conversation with his father, and his father told him that this place was so rotten that it would not be able to make it better in 30 years, and how many years can you serve.

Yes, devote all your time to something that is almost impossible to succeed, and finally exit in embarrassment. You may be recorded in the annals of history in another fifty years, but that is only in the annals of history.

Does this mean that we do nothing? Of course not. As a very adaptable human being, we will eventually persuade ourselves to continue our life, and if the theme of life is "confrontation", then he will certainly continue. confrontation.

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Collective quotes

  • Catalin Tolontan: When the press bows down to the authorities, the authorities will mistreat the citizens. This has always happened, worldwide, and it has happened to us.