I watch "The Morgue Collection"

Favian 2022-10-21 03:42:59

This film has flesh and blood, shit, pagan culture, suspense and thriller, and it is a cult feast.

This is my first time writing a long review to learn from everyone.

The following contains a lot of spoilers!


In Crow's Tail Town, flyers of "Tooth Fairy" are scattered on the ground. A little boy put the camera into the envelope of the door, but was caught. It turned out to be a terrifying old man, and the child ran away in fear. It turns out that this shady house is a funeral home, and the old man is the administrator, and he will start his story here.

Main story:

A woman (hereinafter referred to as the heroine) came to apply for a funeral home assistant, signed a labor contract, and asked the old man to tell a "horrifying and wonderful" story.

Sub-story one:

The beautiful thief who steals wallets from men who are dating men is very curious in the bathroom, opens a closet, and is dragged in by the monster inside.

Second story:

University Neptune senior held a "sexual autonomy" party to catch girls, but the 67th girl had the ability to make men pregnant. The senior became pregnant because she was not wearing a condom, and was forced to find the girl's parents to deliver the baby. A demon baby was born from male organs, and then own death. And there are already many such babies in girls' homes, with deformed and elongated claws.

Story three:

The man couldn't bear to take care of his vegetative wife, and was instructed by a friend to put a painkiller in her food and wanted to kill it. He didn't want his wife to drink it but grabbed the man's hand. The man knocked her down in a panic, and a rabbit was on the table. The statue stabbed her to death. The man put the corpse in a wooden box and moved it into the elevator, but encountered a malfunction. When the elevator fell, the man saw the good memories of the two of them, and the wife also kissed him in a terrifying way. When the police found the man, he had gone mad.

Personal opinion: This story is a combination of fiction and reality. It is true that a man feeds medicine to his wife, but all the "resurrection" actions of his wife are fantasy. The man choked on his wife because of his panic while feeding. He was even more panicked. He saw the vision of her resurrection, so he accidentally knocked over her. The rabbit statue was the real cause of death. As for painkillers, one is that the efficacy of the drug is questionable (how to get a large amount of lethal drugs), and the other is that the so-called man friend may be his imagination, or the man has misinterpreted the friend's original words because of his own thoughts (maybe not to take more than 2 tablets) such as). When the man cuts the corpse with a chainsaw, the heroine's resurrection is even more useless. But the elevator malfunction is true. First of all, this is an old-fashioned elevator. The man moved the body and caused uneven weighting. The neighbor blocked the elevator with his hands, which also caused the control system to fail. At this time, the man was insane, and the wooden box was bumped open. He thought it was his wife seeking revenge for him, and because of regret and fear, he saw the beautiful past of their newlyweds. When the body was shaken out, he saw the resurrection of the body and kissed him. The police arrived and found the man who was completely insane. One was caused by shock, and there was no lack of head collision reasons (we can see from the flying blood that the object fell upwards at that time). But at the end, when the staff opened the elevator, there were no wooden boxes, corpses and bloodstains, and the man was holding a two-person album in his hand. So did he actually kill his wife? Maybe he saw his choked wife and took her photo album as a wooden box - instead of dismembering the body, don't forget that we saw the body in the funeral home earlier - and then Fantasy friends instructed to destroy the corpse and destroy the traces, and hurriedly took the elevator to go downstairs, which resulted in hallucinations, bumps and mental damage, and was then sent to an inhuman mental hospital.

Part four:

The story told by the heroine. On a rainy night, a female nanny took care of the child Logan. His parents had not yet returned home. After the nanny coaxed the child to sleep, he easily cooked a barbecue dinner. The radio news said a mentally ill escaped and liked to kill children. At the same time, a male killer entered the house, and the nanny fought him to the death, and finally killed him with a TV. At this time, the parents rushed home, picked up the TV, and found that it was the nanny Sam they had hired to be killed. It turned out that the woman was a sinful female mental killer, known as the "Tooth Fairy". And the oven is smelling (Emma really fragrant), and inside is their son Logan.

Main story:

The heroine's story is finished, and she pulls a tooth from a corpse. It turns out that she is the tooth fairy who likes to collect people's teeth. The old man promised not to say it, but she was still stabbed to death, but he laughed suddenly, because the act of killing him by the female assistant triggered the curse, taking over as the administrator, and can never get out of this hell house. The heroine really couldn't take half a step, and many little devils with deformed and slender claws came to bite her, and the heroine atoneed for her sins in screams. The old man sewed up her wreckage, and he walked out of the house with ease, the sun of freedom sprinkled on his face, and he was torn apart before he could enjoy it. This is an irreversible curse. The heroine takes on the work of the old man and continues to collect fascinating death stories.

The little boy who took the photo at the beginning came to the Yin Mansion again, and after listening to the story told by the heroine, he was left for dinner again...? ? ?

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