When Dante and Randal’s high school classmates laughed at them, they said: "When you two aren't fight about who shot first, Han or Greedo." In the earliest episode of Star Wars, Han, played by Harrison Ford, after his appearance. Soon in the bar, he shot and killed Greedo, a bounty killer. By 1997, when George Lucas was repairing the last three of Star Wars, he used digital stunts to change Greedo to shoot first, so there was always a debate among Star Wars fans as to which one of them would shoot first. The meaning here is to ridicule them that they are usually really boring.
Dante, Randal, and Becky discussed "mouth to ass" intensely. I checked it and said yes. . . If you are interested, click on the following link http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ass+to+mouth
Becky thinks that Randal treats vagina as an asshole, so he assigns Elias’ work to Randal, Elias "Zing!" Randal called him "Shut up, Go-Bot". Go-Bot is a competitor of Transformers. Whether it is in animation or toys, of course, it finally lost to the great Trans Formers, ha ha!
Jay put on lipstick and danced and spoofed the famous dance of Buffalo Bill in the Silent Lambs. The song Goodbye Horses is the same.
Randal protestedly wrote "Porch Monkey 4 Life" behind his clothes after being accused of racial discrimination.
The tattoo on the right arm of the interspecies porn artist reads "Born 2 Fuck".
Finally, I like the music of the film very much, especially when it was played in 1979, it felt so damn friendly!
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