Is the liberal-to-heroic reversal a coincidence or a necessity?

Cortez 2022-12-13 00:45:16

A Jew who was born in misery, in order to integrate into the United States, "evolved" the characteristics of a chameleon and was "welcome", but behind this popular "evolution" is not a real integration, "chameleon" is not American culture, "doctor" "We did not give up on turning him into an American completely. Through hard work, he became an American representative of "individuality and freedom", but at this time, the evolutionary history of birth decision was brought out and became a weapon against him. A Jew was forced to fall into the arms of the Nazis. Of course, the "righteous" Americans would inevitably rescue him, but in the end he was accepted and relied on the heroic evolution brought to him by the "chameleon" characteristics!

Is this script a bit similar? You told us that free trade is the mainstream, we gave up our original insistence to integrate for free trade, and we became the representatives of free trade. You started the blockade under the banner of "freedom", we choose Challenge, in the future, we will use our strength to make you accept our culture!

In my opinion this is Woody Allen's best script, I don't know if the America I see as an outsider is the America Woody Allen wants to show, or just the values ​​lurking behind a committed romantic comedy Coincidence, is the film's reversal from promoting liberalism to heroism a coincidence or a necessity?

Apart from ideas, from the perspective of technical means, the biographical character interview and commentary design is a successful design of this film. Many of the points of view that the film wants to show are revealed through interviews, which are worth savoring.

Woody Allen-style black irony also runs through the whole film, such as the sale of a house to multiple people and to the same congressman twice, the rhetoric of unprofessional doctors, the sudden arrival of a sister who is for profit, after being moved out of the black history. The robbers are pushed by the crowd, the tongue-out chameleon dance is quickly forgotten, and the food chain of Ellen-brother-sister-father-current-neighbor and so on is beaten

It is surprising that such a film was not rated by the Oscar judges more than "Annie Hall"!

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Zelig quotes

  • Leonard Zelig: [in a hypnotic trance] My brother beat me. My sister beat my brother. My father beat my sister and my brother and me. My mother beat my father and my sister and me and my brother. The neighbors beat our family. The people down the block beat the neighbors and our family.

  • Leonard Zelig: I'm 12 years old. I run into a Synagogue. I ask the Rabbi the meaning of life. He tells me the meaning of life... But, he tells it to me in Hebrew. I don't understand Hebrew. Then he wants to charge me six hundred dollars for Hebrew lessons.