Love is the lace that embellishes life

Beaulah 2022-03-21 09:02:41

Love is simple, maintenance is complicated.

Just having love is not enough.

Although in love, there is no result. Sometimes it takes love to understand and see.

Once loved, old days, simple things. It reminds people of the sweetness and fragility of love once again.

The unpredictability of love is often surprising and painful. Is it persistence or impulsiveness to abandon the investment of all other factors just because of one encounter?

She said, I know you can, but I can't. Because I love you, I can't do this to you, one day you will regret it. You understand this, and the reason why you are still willing now is just to express how much you love me.

She really loves him, so she lets go.

Sometimes, love is not about possession, but about letting the loved one find happiness.

Love, sometimes not necessary to have, will be infinite in the heart.

A perfect love should be both self-reliant, otherwise it is just dependence and care, not love.

A love without regret is only a memory.

They met by chance, fell in love, and finally became each other's passers-by in their lives. He walked into the snow alone, but his heart was warm.

You are the blossom of a tree and a tree, the most beautiful time I can meet.

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