"How ya doing" "Still here"

Kurtis 2022-03-21 09:02:33

Forgive me for not being able to make judgments from the perspective of chemical professional knowledge, nor to judge from the height of art, but as an ordinary movie watcher, I speak from my own feelings.

First of all, the timeline of the whole movie is very clear. First, the story line is very clear, giving people a sense of neatness and order in "chaos (I specifically refer to the chain involved behind the event)"; second, it shows that the event lasted for a long time. , the connotation is difficult, the complexity is high, and the spirit of Rob's character is highlighted. The whole process is carried out in an orderly manner, so that the film is in a unified overall state, compact and full of tension.

Secondly, the lines and blank plots of the characters in the movie are worth pondering. "How ya doing?" "Still here" is too common a sentence, but the tone of ridicule at that time, from disappointment, helplessness, to peace of mind, the process is vividly reflected. At the beginning, a group of children secretly play in the water in "DARK WATERS", the time point is set at night, while driving them away, a child on the shore also found a dead mouse; from "Turn off the beam, fool!" until The frothy images and dull tones on the water at dawn suggest the truth. After that, step by step, this iron-like fact and the power of capital are revealed. The first paragraph is slightly relaxed, and then the rhythm and volume of the soundtrack, lines and emotions begin to gather, and then explode. The chills in the back and the pressure are the strongest feelings I have. When Rob went alone to "negotiate" with the DuPont chairman, I think it was the highlight moment. The logic was clear, the conversation was open, and the evidence was conclusive. However, capital can still oppress you, in many ways. The psychological state and behavior after the end makes people feel fear everywhere. The society of capital is full of variables, and only a strong sense of belief can withstand all these persecutions. How strong the concentration is in order to face the repression of all forces and still insist on speaking up. After Rob said "Can we still afford it?" The conflict between family and career began to erupt, and it was inevitable that some people would empathize. However, when Rob was hospitalized, his wife said in front of Rob's boss and partner , the law firm is not just work for Rob, "To him it's home", everything begins to release again; when the scientific research group Dr. Karen Frank called seven years later, he and his wife hugged each other silently, Everything is so powerful. What an enviable relationship, a husband and wife, a partner, a confidant, two beautiful individuals. So we always see the sun shining in front of the shadow.

In the end, beauty and darkness exist in themselves. We are willing to sing praises for beauty in various ways, but we don’t want to mention the scars under the darkness. Most of the time, this is indeed the reason why some people’s cheese has been touched, and there is Self-interest of some individuals, no belief, no "emotion", you gave him a piece of chocolate, in his concept, you must be fully responsible for him later, otherwise, you will be heinous. What a society looks like depends on each individual, so what the future society will look like, by the same token, depends on what kind of people we leave to this society. After all, individuals constitute society. The only meaning of the existence of systems, rules, and laws, in my opinion, is that the inner sense of morality is too weak to restrain oneself, thus hurting others. After all, the starting point for formulating these policies and systems is always "right". In the form of a movie, take responsibility as you can. That's enough.

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Dark Waters quotes

  • Robert Bilott: The system is rigged. They want us to believe that it'll protect us, but that's a lie. We protect us. We do. Nobody else. Not the companies, not the scientists, not the government. Us.

  • Teddy Bilott (3-5): What's a hooker?

    Sarah Barlage Bilott: Where did you learn that?

    Teddy Bilott (3-5): He told me that Mary Magdalene was a hooker.

    Charlie Bilott (11-12): What? She was.

    Teddy Bilott (3-5): You're supposed to say prostitute.