Everyone has their own meaning in life

Maggie 2022-03-22 09:02:47

On the afternoon of the 38th Festival, I watched a movie alone and put it on the list for a long time.

I guess Chengsha means bean paste. But if it is translated into the taste of bean paste, it may be misclassified as the Chinese series on the tip of Chen Xiaoqing's tongue.

Japanese movies are very interesting. They always realize the philosophy of life from small matters. This time, I will taste life from the bean paste filling of Dorayaki.

The three protagonists are all marginalized from society. Grandma is a person who suffered from leprosy when she was young and was handicapped. She was despised by the society at that time and considered to be a terrible and ugly plague. She was isolated and lived in a remote and independent life. In the area, a junior high school girl has an irresponsible mother. She just falls in love with her daughter and doesn't even cook for her. She occasionally goes home to take the broken cakes from the Dorayaki shop as a shock. The manager is a smile. A man who has lost his enthusiasm for life. A few years ago, he was in prison because of a bar fight. He never saw his mother when he was released from prison. Since then, he has never recovered from his life.

Three people have three different but similar fates, because this Dorayaki met. Although the male owner has been running the shop for many years, he never liked the dorayaki he made. He didn't eat a whole piece. He said he hated sweets. The bean paste stuffing is also bought outside. Grandma found out about this and the indifference to life on this man's face. She taught the store manager how to make bean paste that she had secretly made for many years. Step by step, grandma was full of gratitude for the beans, smelled the aroma of steam, and said to the red beans in the pot that you have worked hard. It takes four or five hours to cook bean paste each time. The manager did not understand at first why it was so troublesome. Came all the way here. To be worthy of every gust of wind they have blown, every inch of sunshine they have basked in.

The dorayaki with the new recipe was well received. The man and grandma were very happy. Grandma saw a smile on the man's face. She was behind him and patted him and said, "It's great." Still unable to withstand the prejudice of this society, the rumor of leprosy is still strong, not long after, the small shops that would have to queue up, the door will be lost. Grandma also returned to her exclusive community of lepers where she had lived for decades and stopped coming to work.

The girl finally escaped from the house, brought her canary, and came to the store. When she found that her grandmother was not there, she proposed to see her. The store manager and the girl first came to that community and saw lepers chatting in the sun. They feel free. Seeing that grandma took in Canary, she promised to help the girl raise him.

The dorayaki shop was remodeled by the proprietress and forced to make teppanyaki. The man who had just had a little hope in life was hit again. It seemed that he was tied to his grandmother. has passed away. There are some tools for making bean paste that leave some traces of time, and there is a recording. She said that she wanted to live in the sun, and she saw that a man was unhappy living in the shadows, much like her previous self, and decided to try to help him find happiness and sunshine. Everyone lives in the world, has their own meaning, everyone has it.

The cherry blossoms are in full bloom again. They are my grandma's favorite tree. The girl put on her school uniform again and decided to continue her high school. Using the tools left by his grandmother, he patiently made dorayaki. He smiled and shouted: dorayaki, come and try it.

Everyone has their own predicament. The 75-year-old grandma has lived for a long time and finally got out of her predicament. She saw that girls and men have their own cages, struggling and escaping in the dark corners of the world. The process healed them. She used her love for life and her unyielding determination to fate to wake up two originally dim souls.

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Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.