Can men understand women? The director proved it, the movie denied it

Dariana 2022-03-22 09:02:11

I was surprised that this is a female film directed by a male director! He has a very delicate and real control over the character comparison between the heroine and her boyfriend in the love relationship. The ten-minute scene of the heroine going to her boyfriend's house party allows us to understand the inner struggle of the heroine, why she hesitated from the beginning and was reluctant to tell her boyfriend.

The heroine is smart, full of love and responsibility, but also decisive and brave. She understands that if something similar to her roommate happens to her, she can't count on her boyfriend. She and her roommate can only rely on each other.

The lens structure and rhythm of the film are also similar to the emotional ups and downs of the heroine, and the expression is delicate, which is both subtle and quietly accumulating energy.

The director broke through the straight male perspective of most men. He used a sympathetic and restrained image to tell us the harsh environment for women under the public policy of an Eastern European country at that time.

In addition, the director is also very good at expressing emotions. It uses the noisy and lively university dormitory to contrast the solemnity and depression of the hostess' dormitory. The hostess is in a hurry, borrowing money from her boyfriend, booking a hotel, and picking up people at the appointed place... There are disturbances and conflicts in every scene. And you still can't guess what happened. It wasn't until the three of them met in the hotel and the brutal transaction that took place that everything came to a realization. Under the director's camera, the plot and repressed emotions are also added layer by layer, the heroine's cruel transaction is completed, and then push it to another level, arranging a lively family gathering of high-ranking people with their own patriarchal authority, the heroine from a remote town is on pins and needles . The pampered boyfriend retreated outside the table, and she seemed to be the object of ridicule. All this is buried in the hilarious laughter and laughter. The hostess then left without making a statement, crossed a long dark passage, and rushed back to the bus to take care of her roommate.

When I watched it with my boyfriend, the boyfriend couldn't understand the forbearance and subtlety of the heroine at all. He would blame the heroine, and he couldn't understand the heroine's hurried departure from her boyfriend's house. I think that the heroine's boyfriend has become a victim of the heroine's anxiety. It's scary, in the world of straight men, women's premature anxiety about their situation is mediocre. Therefore, from the perspective of a male director, the director's perspective is more accurate and valuable.

I've tried my best not to spoil anything!

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4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days quotes

  • [subtitled version]

    Otilia: Why did you make the reservation by phone?

    Gabriela 'Gabita' Dragut: I thought it'd be like calling from somewhere else.

    Otilia: You "thought".

  • [subtitled version]

    Gabriela 'Gabita' Dragut: I got rid of it. It's in the bathroom.