
Liana 2022-03-21 09:01:57

Erwin Street is a stubborn and stubborn old man in the United States. He once participated in World War II. In his later years, he lived in a small town called Lawrence in Iowa with his daughter Rose who had a stutter and a little mental retardation. Life. Like most Americans, I don't have much savings, but my health is getting worse, my legs and feet are not good, my eyes are blurred due to complications from diabetes, and I can't get up when I accidentally fall at home. Fortunately, an old friend came to find out that my daughter wanted Calling 911, the old man insisted not to allow him, and took his old friend's broken car to the hospital for a check-up. Although his health was fine, he refused the doctor's request for hip surgery and further examination and treatment because he had no money. He has emphysema and digestive problems and is advised to quit smoking and improve his diet (which shows how bad the US health care system is). But the old man still went his own way when he got home. Sitting at home on a stormy day and watching the lightning and thunder outside is the most comfortable moment for the old man and his daughter (reflecting the old man's sense of security in having a shelter from the wind and rain).

One day my daughter received a call saying that the elderly brother Lyle had suffered a stroke. Hearing this news, Street fell into deep thought. It turned out that he and his younger brother Lyle had not been in contact for more than ten years due to the quarrel. Now both of them are in their twilight years, and time is running out. It was night, and Rose was lying in front of the window watching the neighbors still playing ball, which reminded her of her three children. At this time, the old man came to tell his daughter that he decided to visit this brother whom he had not contacted for more than ten years. Let go of the past, shake hands and make peace. But how to meet has become a problem. My younger brother now lives in a place called Mount Zion in Wisconsin, which is 317 kilometers away from Iowa, where he lives. Neither of them has a driver's license. My legs are inconvenient, I can't stand for even two minutes, and it's unrealistic to take a long-distance bus. In the end, the old man made a bold decision. He drove his old lawn mower and said, "I have to walk this distance by myself." Looking at the sky full of stars, the old man remembered the past. After some preparation, the old man sets off with a lawnmower and a home-made trailer attached to the back for storage and a bedroom, stunned by a group of old friends who swear he can't get past Grotto. Along the way, the blue sky floated with white clouds, the endless fields of mature corn, and the tractor was working hard, all of which made the old man in a good mood. Sure enough, an old friend said that, less than five miles from Grotto, the lawnmower broke down. I had to ask the passing car to drag the lawn mower back under the watchful eyes of my old friends. The stubborn old man made up his mind, set off this unsatisfactory lawn mower with one shot, and took out his last savings of $325 to buy a second-hand 66-year-old lawn mower (probably his eyesight and reaction are only mowing lawns). The speed of the machine can barely keep up). On the road again.

In this way, the old man walked slowly through the town along the No. 18 road. He camped beside the cornfield on the side of the road in the dark, lighting a bonfire to keep warm, and a girl who failed to hitchhike on the side of the road approached, and the old man generously gave her sausages. She ate, and provided her with a blanket to keep out the cold. Chatting around the campfire, she learned that the girl was because her family hated her. After she became pregnant, she was even more afraid that they would go crazy and run away from home. She has been wandering outside for more than 5 months. Girls and boyfriends don't know. The old man guides the girl "Even if they hate you, they don't want to lose you, or your own little problems. But... a warm bed and home is probably better than a hot dog with a weird old man who drives a lawn mower. .” The girl who made some humorous and sarcastic words showed a smile on her face, and the old man went on to talk about his daughter: “My daughter Rose, people think she is slow, but it’s not in my mind, she has her own ideas. , sometimes very clever, she keeps the house in good order, she is a good and competent mother, she has four children, one night, someone watched the children, the house caught fire, her second son burned Seriously injured, it's not Rose's fault, but the state government said Rose's condition is not suitable for taking care of the children, so they took the children, and she didn't think about the children for a day." Speaking of this, the girl was deeply touched, the old man He continued, "When my kids were little, we used to play a game where I gave each of them a branch, and then I said to break it, and they all did it easily, and then said, tie it up in a bundle and try again? They just broke it. It kept going. I told them that sticking branches is family." The words made the girl thoughtful. It was late at night, and the old man asked the girl to sleep in the car, but the girl said, "No, I want to sleep outside and watch Think about the stars." The next morning, the old man woke up and saw that the girl had quietly left, leaving behind a bunch of branches, and the old man smiled knowingly.

Next, the old man ate and slept, enjoying the scenery along the way, and the passing vehicles and pedestrians. A group of cyclists came from behind, and the old man stopped to greet him. In the evening, the old man also rushed to the camp of cyclists and won bursts of applause. was warmly welcomed. Seeing this group of energetic young people, the old man chatted with a young man and said with emotion, "Hey, Ai Yun, you won't think of getting old when you are energetic." said the old man, "I don't see any good in being blind and lame. But at my age I have seen a little bit of life, and I know how to get the tiny wheat out of the husk." What's the worst thing after that?" The old man replied, "The worst thing is to think back to when you were young and strong." (A year after the film was released, the old man who played Erwin Street committed suicide because of his unbearable pain. Now, I don’t know if there is any unbearable heartache in the reasons for suicide.)

One day the old man was on the road when he encountered a car that just overtook and hit a deer head-on. The woman driving the car collapsed on the spot and shouted hysterically, "I have headlights, I have honked my horn, and I still have to shout. When I came out, I opened the car window, slammed the car door, and played "Public Enemy" loudly. I have prayed to them for which gods, but how did this happen? I have done it to the gods, but at least every week Killed a deer, I have killed 13 deer on this road in 7 weeks, and I have to pass this road every day, I have to drive 40 kilometers to work, I have to drive to and from get off work by myself.” After finishing, he said to himself, "Where do they come from? I like deer very much." For dinner that night, the old man ate a delicious roasted venison. Not far behind the old man, a group of deer were looking around. The next day the old man had an antler decoration on his trailer.

After many days of bumps, the old man finally came to Wisconsin. There was a big downhill in front of him, and there was a small town downhill. The old man saw the sign and hurriedly braked, but it was too late. The speed of the car was getting faster and faster. The old man was in a hurry. A group of people basking in the sun on the side of the road, the old man finally stopped the car at the end, and everyone rushed forward to help push the car into the shade. One of the twin brothers happened to open a car repair shop. After inspection, it was found that the car was broken, not only The engine belt was broken, and the engine also failed. I heard that the old man was going to Zion Mountain, to cross the Duqian Prairie, and there were more than 60 kilometers of mountain roads to cross the Mississippi River. The old man was from the west of Grotto, Iowa. Lawrence came and went for more than five weeks. At night, he drove the car to the field and slept in the trailer. Everyone was amazed and asked, "Aren't you afraid of being alone at night? There may be bad guys everywhere?" The old man replied, "I was in World War II. After fighting in the trenches, what's there to fear in the wheat fields of Iowa?" A well-meaning person suggested, "How about camping in my backyard? You can use the bathroom in the garage until the lawn mower is repaired," the old man thanked, not forgetting Humor "It's so generous, my car is definitely okay."

The next day, the old man took out his wallet and opened it to see that there was not much cash left. He walked outside the landlord's house and knocked on the door to borrow a phone. The landlord repeatedly invited the old man into the house. The old man did not want to cause trouble and insisted on calling outside. , the landlord had to bring a cordless phone to the old man. The landlord went back to the house and said to his wife, "It will cost a lot of money to fix that lawn mower. I don't think he has enough on him. I won't drive that thing to buy food." The old man called his daughter. , reported safe, and told her daughter to find out the social security check and send it. Returning the phone, the old man did not forget to put a few dollars in long-distance calls under the phone. The landlord came to the backyard to chat with the old man, and told the old man that he heard the brothers Osin say that the car repair cost $250. The old man half-jokingly replied, "It's because of the double price for twins." The landlord took the opportunity to say, "I'd be happy to drive you there. When we get to Mount Zion, just treat the two of us for a weekend trip across the river." The old man stubbornly expressed his gratitude, but I wanted to finish the road on my own.

The people in the town are very friendly. The neighbor across the street brought the old man his own secret chocolate, and an old man of the same age also drove to invite Erwin to go to the pub for a drink. In the tavern, Erwin ordered a glass of milk, and another old man ordered a bottle of wine. The two peers chatted about the past. Erwin said, "I borrowed wine to relieve my worries in France at that time, and I still drink a lot after returning to China. Stop, I often get drunk and cause trouble. A priest helped me quit drinking. He helped me figure out the reason for my drinking. It was the shadow of the war... I couldn't erase it from my mind." Another old man replied, " Most people drink a lot after returning to China." Erwin continued with emotion, "Everyone wants to forget, I see one now." Suddenly another old man's chat box was opened, and he was about to open for ten days at a time. For the first hot meal, everyone thought that the most difficult time had passed, and the troubles in the sky should be solved. At that time, the old man was about to be promoted to quartermaster, so he could arrange enough coffee for his comrades in arms, and a fighter plane passed the old man. In the hidden woods, an incendiary bomb was dropped on the cooking camp. All the old man's comrades in arms... So far, the old man clearly remembers that the Germans came up from the hill in front... and can see those swastikas. The old man's remarks also brought up a long-held secret of Erwin. Back then, because he was hunting in his hometown, he was a sniper when he arrived in the army and was sent to guard the frontier positions. There was a scout on their team who was very good at collecting intelligence. , saved everyone from death several times, and did not want to be mistakenly killed by the old man when he returned from an investigation. Even the brothers in Li thought it was the German sniper who did it, only he himself knew that it was homicide. Speaking of which, Erwin was full of tears. Back at the residence, Erwin was still immersed in the guilt of killing his comrade-in-arms by mistake, looking up at the sky, where the stars were shining.

The twin brothers finally repaired the lawn mower during the quarrel. The bill for parts and labor cost a total of $247.8. The old man looked at the bill and said, "I think you're making a big fuss. Although I'm presbyopic, I see the newly installed tires," the younger brother was busy. The explanation was second-hand goods, but the goods were good. The old man took over the words, "Little brother, is it new or good?" The endless debate wasted working hours, and the labor cost was 20% off. In the end, the old man did not forget to cut a knife on the fuel cost. The elder brother was anxious, "The fuel cost is free." The final quotation was 180 yuan. "Deal." This time the old man showed a satisfied smile. It turned out that the old man was a businessman. The old man probably saw the twin brother, which brought back his memory, and he was in a good mood. He opened the chat box and confided in his heart, "I'm leaving, I have to pull up the tent and go on the road again. I came all the way from Iowa, I hope I can survive. In Wisconsin, no one knows you better than your brother of the same year, my brother lives there, we haven't seen each other for ten years, he is a relative who knows you like the back of the hand, and we brothers said unsightly things to each other, When we met for the last time, I tried to forget those words. On this trip, I abandoned my arrogance and prejudice, I hope it is not too late. Brothers are like brothers." The two brothers were speechless, and everyone was in awe. That night, the old man declined the landlord's request to see him off tomorrow morning, and once again solemnly thanked the landlord for his enthusiastic help to a stranger. The two shook hands and said goodbye. Early the next morning, just as the sun was out of the sky, the old man quietly drove on the road. The landlord silently watched the old man leave in the house with awe.

The old man drove a lawnmower on the Wisconsin highway hundreds of kilometers away from home. He was bathed in the sunshine and field scenery of his hometown. He was very proud of his business. He walked across the Mississippi River Bridge. Through the iron fence on the bridge deck, he could see the Taotao river below. Make the old man curious. When night fell again, the old man stayed next to a cemetery. The priest came over to greet the old man and brought the old man dinner, French fries and cooked meat. The old man said that he had eaten it and hoped that he would have time to accompany him. , the priest first started the topic "You really know where to start a fire and camp next to the oldest cemetery in the Midwest. French Catholic priest." The priest also became interested in the old man's peculiar vehicle. The old man said eloquently, "You are not the first person to have such a reaction, Mr. Father, my eyes are not good, I can't drive, I don't like to take other people's buses, I want to visit my brother." I know, the priest works in the hospital in the city during the day, and a few weeks ago, the elder brother Lyle Street came to the hospital for a stroke because of a stroke, and the elder brother lived in the parish where the priest was. I talked to him, but he didn't mention an older brother. Hearing this, the old man said sadly, "We haven't called brothers for a long time." Then the old man asked with concern, "Since you have met him, how is he?" Well, I spent my childhood on a farm in Minnesota. My parents worked hard for the farm. After we finished the housework, we played together. We created a lot of our own things, such as horse racing, betting..., trying our best to forget the cold winter, There are nine months in winter and short summers. On sunny nights in summer, we both sleep in the backyard together, and when the sun goes down, we quickly make our bed, and we keep talking about the starry sky, whether the starry sky has the same shell as us. Humans... and the places we love to go until we fall asleep. The world was very small for us at that time, and we grew up inadvertently." The priest asked with concern what happened between you later? The old man thought for a moment and said, "Old things are out of date, temper, vanity, and alcohol have naturally come to this day. In front of you, there is an older brother who hasn't said a word to his younger brother for ten years, no matter what. Like, we were all angry at the time, but today, it doesn’t matter anymore, I want to reconcile with him as before, sit facing each other again, and look up at the stars together as before.” After saying this, the old man fell silent again. , the old priest prayed "May the Lord bless you."

The next day, the old man drove to a gas station to stop, walked into the supermarket, and said to the supermarket owner, "I haven't touched alcohol for many years. Now I want a bottle of cold beer, Miller's beer." The old man took a sip of the wine, Very cool. The boss asked with concern, "Your car is very special, can this thing go up the mountain?" The old man answered confidently and humorously, "This mountain and the other 200 mountains are not to mention." After asking the old man Lu from his brother Lyle's family Say goodbye and continue on your way. After getting off the highway, I turned onto a dirt road. There were gradually more trees on both sides of the road. Suddenly, the lawn mower turned off. I tried to start it several times without success. The old man sat silent in the car. At this time, a tractor came up from behind, and the driver asked with concern, "What's the matter, do you want to do something?" The old man stubbornly replied, "I don't know, maybe it's tired, I think it's okay." It started again, and sure enough It started again, and finally arrived, saw a dilapidated house in the distance, the old man got out of the car and walked to the vicinity and shouted "Lyle." There was no movement, the old man tried to whisper "Lyle?" Finally, there was an echo. Now, "Erwin" was answered in the house, the door opened, and brother Lyle came out with a pair of stainless steel shelves. The brothers, who hadn't seen each other for ten years, looked at each other and finally met. The younger brother Lyle asked the elder brother to sit down and looked at the lawn mower not far away. "Which thing did you ride on the way to see me?" Brother Elter replied, "That's right, Lyle." The younger brother's eyes overflowed. tears. It was dark now. The two brothers raised their heads to look at the starry sky at the same time, the stars were densely covered, and many past events came to their minds, and the past grievances were written off.

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The Straight Story quotes

  • Alvin Straight: I want to thank you for your kindness to a stranger.

    Danny Riordan, Clermont Resident: It's been a genuine pleasure having you here, Alvin. Write to us some time.

    Alvin Straight: I will.

  • Pete: He'll never make it past the Grotto.