remake masterpiece

Ole 2022-11-20 07:17:38

The director is good, and the screenwriter is good. This film does not use the image of a freak to create a pure and perverted murderer, but adds a lot of content to establish the opposite of social contradictions. I have to say that it is still very brilliant. , but all utopias are bullshit. Aren't all countries self-interested, only state officials are allowed to set fires, and people are not allowed to light the lights, this kind of fucking mistake, who do you want to make sense of, although it is said that you treat yourself as a human being and an outsider as a human being, it doesn't matter. Too bad. This kind of evil town should have a missile and a pot, and pretend to be the most **** here. Although the people in it are not selfish, they are very sincere, and the atmosphere is good, but this is too low-level and barbaric, and in fact you are also There is no right to choose, only assimilation can be seen from the performance of the little girl. In fact, the theme of barbarism discussed in the film can explain to the audience the difference from the previous work. In comparison, this one is much fuller, although it is still in crisis because of not listening to advice, and then a series of chains are generated. Reaction, no grievances and no hatred will form a beam, but fortunately the heroine is very witty, the brain is the correct way to solve the problem, one tough motherfucker, the actors are also online, and the rescue plot on the father's side is also in place. , the plot has no major loopholes and is very delicate, thrilling and exciting, not bad, the final dark cave is really amazing. Xiao Hei found where he belonged, and the heroine and father also escaped. However, it really wasn't that simple. Facing the haunted leader, the heroine stood up again and used the skills she learned to fight back. In her person, this is the real woman power, the real woman's power, the real unyielding, which just echoes the beginning. But how come to the country, the taste has changed, absolutely, but it is also appropriate, sitting on the ground and reaching out is not the real woman power, it is maggots.

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Wrong Turn quotes

  • Hobbs: I can smell your juices.

  • Aileen: They said they would be the foundation on which a new nation would be built.