Deadly Turn 7: Escape from the Savage Horde

Idell 2022-12-14 19:29:52

Originally, I liked watching bloody and violent European and American films. When I saw the restart of the big IP "Deadly Bend", I hurriedly downloaded it, and I haven't watched a movie from Lionsgate for a long time. There are still many things involved in this film, such as race, sexual orientation, politics, etc. The core is the hunting and escape of barbarian tribes. The barbarian organization in this film is called the "Basic Society". They are not ignorant and ignorant. They originated from a dozen families who fled to the mountains in the 19th century. They were worried that the United States would decline after the Civil War, and they could become the "foundation of the new America". will", rebuilding America, they have multiplied into modern society, and have clearly become out of touch with civilized society. The heroine's temporary thinking and brave spirit are the important elements of this film, and it is also the reason why she can live to the end. The heroine's father insists on looking for her, which is also admirable.

barbarian chief john

Plot: Jen, a white girl, and her black boyfriend, along with 4 other friends, go hiking in the mountains, but they encounter many traps designed by the savage tribe, and the two friends are killed. A boy killed a masked barbarian. Then they were taken to the savage tribe family, tried by the savage chief John , the boy who killed the savage paid for his life, and the other was punished by darkness, stabbed in the eyes, ears, and tongue. The smart Jen proposed that her boyfriend knew about water conservancy and could help them with construction. She was healthy and could be the wife of the tribesmen. Widowed John took Jen.

(Spoilers for the text below)

Jen's father came looking for her, was kidnapped by the savage tribe, and met Jen. After nightfall, Jen rescued his father and ran away together, while the black boyfriend refused to go down the mountain. Kill a few barbarians halfway, and at the foot of the mountain, there are a few town residents who oppose barbarians to help. Jen and her father managed to escape. Not long after he returned to civilized society, John actually found Jen's house. Probably because Jen was pregnant with his child, Jen was afraid that he would hurt his family, so he pretended to go with John , and then killed all the barbarians that followed in the RV. leave a girl.

Barbarian Tribe


Image Jen imagines: John kills her family, she kills John

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Wrong Turn quotes

  • Hobbs: I can smell your juices.

  • Aileen: They said they would be the foundation on which a new nation would be built.