The married life of a tragic woman

Jeff 2022-10-06 16:08:24

It is a bit difficult to shoot 7 in the fatal corner. Compared with before, this step is not much amazing, nor surpassed. Instead, many colors of the previous films are abandoned, and it is more down-to-earth.

Let's not delve into the boring question of why the movie sends just six young people to the countryside or what the sheep bone mask can imply.

Just talking about a loophole, why does the heroine have to wait for her father to come before preparing to leave? The director can ask the little girl for a way out and prepare to go down the mountain as early as the awakening of the Valkyrie in the previous films.

In fact, this makes the movie more comprehensive, so that the heroine can have a plot to experience on the mountain, laying the groundwork for the follow-up heroine to hunt and kill several by herself.

Now let's talk about the biggest point of the film, which is the proposition of this article "The Married Life of a Miserable Woman"

Throughout the whole article, it seems that a modern woman is forced or deceived into the man's family. The man is poor and backward, but he has a set of self-righteous family rules, which are backward, ignorant and barbaric.

Women who suffer domestic violence can only swallow their anger and live hard, until the parents' family finds out that they have come to stand for their daughters, but they can't fight the brutality of the man's family.

It took a lot of hard work, and even saw blood, to pull her daughter out of the violent environment.

At the end of the movie, the heroine followed them away, and then slaughtered them all from the car, leaving only the little girl, and the two returned home holding hands.

It also implies that a woman has entered a violent marriage, and after all, she must bravely get rid of it alone and protect her child from the shadows.

As a digression, the black male protagonist is very happy to stay in such an environment, and that is what he has always yearned for. I believe that when he and the female protagonist were lying in bed at the beginning of the movie, they thought whether he would rebel in the end, of course. The movie didn't let him hurt the heroine, which is beautiful, and it enhances a different pattern for the development of the movie.

One more digression, who pushed the billowing stake at the beginning? Why did the heroine argue in court without reason, these are useless, otherwise it will not reflect the barbarity of that tribe.

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Wrong Turn quotes

  • Hobbs: I can smell your juices.

  • Aileen: They said they would be the foundation on which a new nation would be built.