Broadchurch: An educational suspenseful drama about British culture

Anais 2022-10-20 01:20:59

Before my 21-day quarantine began, BB recommended this small-town British suspense drama. Bloody hell, I didn't expect it to look so good. The complete set of dramas is written in one word: Dark. In this seemingly calm town with nothing new under the sun, everyone's hiding something. "One Hundred Thousand Dark Sides" is intertwined into three stories, which unfold in 8 episodes of each of the 3 seasons, and are dismantled and broken one by one by the detective duo. The British spirit and values ​​displayed in the play made me realize what an equal and respectful society is.

(no major spoilers)

For example, Season 3 tells about a rape case. In the first episode, when collecting evidence for the victim, I went to a center specializing in dealing with sexual violence. The center staff explained the process step by step in detail and gently, taking care of the victim's feelings all the time. . The filming in ten minutes seems to be a center promotional film, but it is very consistent with the style of the whole drama.

Another example is the first two episodes of Season 1. After Danny Latimer passed away, his friend Tom Miller of the same age sat on the bed after learning about it. Tom's mother would say to him: (to the point) In the face of sudden death, It is okay to cry. It is normal to be unhappy. Release the emotions. The whole series spent a lot of thought on how to actively deal with post-trauma, and it is politically correct and not abrupt to give the crew's handling method as a reference.

Of course, the UK is not all good and all bad. For example, the crew presented the British paparazzi culture in a negative way. For example, when a tabloid reporter from Season 1 first reported an undisclosed murder case by the police, it brought harm to the family.

Another example is the big mess that runs through the three Seasons. Basically, the main male characters all have affairs. Seemingly a model couple, the actual relationship is broken. College lover, endures the fuck-up of a taxi driver husband who has been married for more than ten years. The car mechanic went to buy a set on the day of his wife's 50th birthday, because he caught up with the caterer. How common these affairs are, the crew vented through the protagonist's mouth: I don't subscribe to the version of your world.

And this bunch of men, the crew deliberately carves the big and small road of "the brain and Xun are not buried". Once the hormones come up, you can't control yourself. I usually think a lot, but I don't care about big things. Most of them are very selfish, and the reasons for defending their selfishness are all for her, for the family, etc. They don't stand on the other side's point of view at all, and go their own way. I don't know how to express my emotions, I have an obsession and don't let go, I have a brute force.

Sounds familiar, eh?

On the contrary, the female characters in the play are not necessarily strong women on the outside, but most of them are weak in appearance, but strong in actual behavior and mature in thinking. Don't flinch in the face of trouble, stand up and face it bravely after suck it up, lick the wounds. When things happen, it is true that you are full of emotions, but you will not linger after the diarrhea. Ability to drop ego, reconcile and cooperate with enemies. Besties got into trouble, and now they "face left and right", but they can be good friends later. Level 10 positive energy.

Powerful women, bloody weak men

In the relationship between the sexes, the British's subtlety is also revealed in this play. Fancy a drink? Do you want to stay here tonight? They dared to ask, but at the same time they were afraid that the ugly boy would ask shyly, and they would be embarrassed after asking the lemon eater. But at least people will ask.

Of course, I have to mention how the crew used the black female lawyer who "plays the law as a game" to complain about loopholes in the legal system in Season 2. Fuck the legal system – it's street fighting in wigs, that's all. The system is not perfect, you can only pick the best from the imperfections? The legal system guarantees a fair trial, the interests of the suspect belong to the defendant, and the murderer escapes justice. The plot is old, but the process is very profound: the interrogation once again lifted the scars of the investigation, and because the investigation was one-sidedly proven guilty, the interrogation was a clear proof of guilt by both the prosecution and the defense, and the process was unfair + There is another possibility. So look at how the prosecution and the defense play with the same set of facts, the same truth, choose suitable witnesses to give testimony, and build stories. This is really not far from the heart of the debate. This is not the pursuit of the truth, but the pursuit of how to win for our side in this system, even if it is not the truth, it does not matter. Even if the system allows us to do evil, we should not do evil for small things, and our conscience cannot be wiped out.

Wessex has unlimited scenery, and the world-famous West Bay cliff makes people live by the sea. The relationship between the characters in the town is simple (but the show is very complicated), the life is ordinary and not exciting (but it is not an excuse for the murderer of Season 3), and if something goes wrong, there is nothing to donate (poor Grandpa Sea Bridgate). If you retire, open The Traders' Hotel, there is a glass house on the top of the mountain and sea view, it will not be a pleasure.

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Broadchurch quotes

  • DS Ellie Miller: You don't eat fish and chips? What kind of Scot are you?

  • DS Ellie Miller: Most people have a moral compass.

    DI Alec Hardy: Compasses break.