Zhuang Shengxiao is a fan of butterflies

Keith 2022-12-17 06:45:34

Zhuang Zhou had a dream that he had become a butterfly. Wake up confused. How do you know if you are in a butterfly's dream now?

The root of the tragedy - the whole of Whedon is ignorant, no one has studied and studied seriously. A generation is not as good as a generation, this year's principal was a little sister when she was young. Everyone followed suit and followed the instructions they heard. Only Claudia did some research, and she was indeed the savior. There is only one academic authority, and it really is the BOSS. As long as there is a little research spirit, this is not the case.

When several major families complete the closed loop. The chicken produces the egg, the egg produces the chicken, and the conclusion should be that there is no origin and the world is not established. Someone has to ask, who created the chicken and the egg? So they all deduced that there is a God, and God sees that everyone is busy and hard-working, and perfunctorily said: (here is dark) There must be light! That's how the world (well) was created! (Don't ask too much, ask is the marksman hypothesis, Thanksgiving turkey law)

When other characters are asking WHEN, WHAT, HOW, only Claudia, who has read some books, is asking WHO. Claudia is a viewer who swiped "Sleep no more" on NN, and his legs were about to break. distressed. Claudia, who has watched countless possibilities, is the most qualified to be a cold-blooded observer like Adam, but Claudia also has a family scene with her father. Men destroy the world, women save the world.

In order to build a harmonious society together, one can kill one's father, one's mother, and one's lover. Only love for children is selfless. In theory, to procreate is to create the future. Love for children is a vision for the future. So Martha will be the savior of the world, the maintainer of order. Men can't do it, they can run away after giving birth, and they can also run away weakly and mess around. The same is true for BOSS. So God is male.

But if the future born can only create the past, the selfless love of childbirth is blind program execution, and the motivation for most characters to advance the plot is this program. "No future" - It was written on the door of the nuclear power plant, and the middle-aged Hagrid tried to scrub the note.

Katarina's story is too tragic, and Katarina's mother's last sentence "You don't deserve the name I gave you" is really embarrassing. The writer must have been very pleased when he came up with it. The tragic story of Katerina and Ulrich is actually slightly borderline, but the emotional impact is extremely strong. The ending of the supporting role is not given by the screenwriter, but is watched and grown by the audience. When it is released in the final season, the impact is too strong. Even if it is slightly marginal and independent, the audience will buy it twice, and then add the recognition bonus to on other characters. There must be such a character in the story.

The one-eyed police line is real. . . Seeing that at the end, there is a kind of happiness with high-fiving and laughing with the screenwriter. I would like to believe that it was a foreshadowing at the beginning, and then I don’t know whether it was marginalized or forgotten, it should be forgotten. Ha ha ha ha. In the mirror world, the sleeves of the broken hands are neatly folded and pinned to the shoulders, I think they really really gave up on him! bad guy! But I also admire the screenwriter from the bottom of my heart. The audience will not pay attention to the marginalized plot. For example, the past of Alexander, the director of the nuclear power plant, the audience can know that it is not important. How powerful is the control of the mainline emotions.

Hannah should be able to take on more. After all, she is a god, and she is also the one who gave birth to the protagonist and the top little sister. The mythological setting of the goddess and birth gods is not an exaggeration. I guess it is because of redundancy, and the screenwriter restored it to a human. Hannah represents humanity, everything for herself. It's a little surprising that Hannah is the person with the most lines at the Origins World table.

The table scene in the origin world is a little tribute to "Perfect Stranger".

Police Egan is Jon Snow from "Darkness". The time-travel squads come and go, and everyone is qualified to say "You know nothing." Egan may have thought he was handsome when he was young, and he was also serious and diligent in work and life. Setting up a side quest to find the "white devil" is actually not important at all. If you're not the protagonist, it doesn't matter what you do 555. But if Egan can be the protagonist, it will be interesting to see the world from Egan's perspective!

Digression: It rains a lot in the town of Whedon, but there is no one to protect it from the rain. There is only one person holding an umbrella in the whole play, a prostitute. There is only one raincoat, and you are the protagonist when you put it on! In modern society, I can understand that winter clothes are soaked in the rain. After all, everyone has German-made washing machines and dryers. In the Middle Ages, too, it rained and rolled all over the ground. Medieval women have to be beaten with sticks in the snow-covered river for a long time, my friend! No wonder the big group photo created in this way in the world, there is the last row of non-travelling squad characters, this is the logistics supply support team of the year!

The mood of "Sophie's World" was seen late in the third season. In junior high school, when I thought philosophy was Marxism-Leninism, "Sophie's World" gave me a hit. It also planted the seeds of nihilism.

Every LOOP program that falls into an infinite loop may have a story of struggle and sadness.

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