Forget or forget? There is no answer.

Britney 2022-03-21 09:02:19

I'm crying. I really haven't cried at a movie in a long time. So angry and sad. This is very similar to Fang Siqi's first love paradise, it's not a force, it's a lure. So disgusting, ltp teacher is so disgusting. Neil is miserable because he actually thought it was a gift, a special summer for him, and the teacher was special to him, even though the teacher had many other kids. He must have been hurt, so he convinces himself that he likes the teacher, right? I feel so sorry for him. 囧 Joseph's acting skills are amazing! so amazing! Really flirtatious, both angels and demons. On Christmas Eve, after he met someone who liked sm, he fell to the ground and called his mother, and I broke the defense in an instant. His mother is really to blame, she doesn't care about his growth at all, and only cares about her own pleasure. If his mother cared more about him and really loved him, he wouldn't have such a tragedy. Brain is so pure, I think forgetting is better than remembering. Although forgetting makes him dream all the time, his growth process is still very happy. I think it's better to think I've been captured by aliens than to know the truth. I don't know how he will change after knowing the truth? Really would rather he thought that aliens took him. This is too hard to bear. But in the end Neil comforted him very touched me, the two victims comforted each other, although Neil was also the perpetrator to a certain extent. Hopefully the two of them can heal each other, although it may take a long time. Neil doesn't go to New York, stay in this place, let the two of you spend a long time letting all the damage dissipate, and welcome a new life. Although I don't think so, but I hope they can be together in my heart. Maybe they understand each other better to embrace each other's soul and help each other out of the shadow of childhood. It would be nice if both of them could get out. Neil was so caught up in it that it felt like it was harder for him to change. Maybe a lifetime is ruined. There is still hope for Brain to break through the haze and face life bravely. Still have to scold 10,000 ltp dead! Dogecoin teacher goes to hell! ltp all over the world go to hell!

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Mysterious Skin quotes

  • Wendy: I can't believe I'm finally getting out of this fucking nowhere town!

  • Eric: I got a postcard from Wendy.

    Neil: I think she's mad at me because I owe her like 3 letters.

    Eric: Yeah, her last P.S. is "Tell Fuckface to write me."