Good for you

Bailee 2022-03-29 09:01:10

The first Abbas.

The first time I read Abbas was 3 years ago, the book "The Taste of Cherry",

The book he talks about movies is full of poetry and philosophy.

At that time, I was like a urchin with no ink on my chest, breaking through poisonous miasmas, and going to the mountains to talk to Guiguzi about the art of war.

Even so, it's still interesting.

"Legal Copy", they all say that it is like "love", maybe they are all dialogue-led films, or are they classified as drama films? Situational movies? It can be.

But if you think about it, they are completely different. "Love is" in a loose, unsubjected, wandering conversation. You will find that they walk down the whole process, talk a lot, and spread out.

In "Copy", the dialogue between the writer and the antique dealer is debate-style. It seems to be in the same place to talk about a topic, but these topics are not divorced from the core debate of the movie's title: the relationship between the original and the copy, And to ask, are they worth the same?

Abbas, under the guise of the confrontation between the two, throws questions to the viewer, throws questions, throws questions.

but don't give an answer. At least not a standard answer.

Isn't this the wickedness of philosophy?

The whole film is filled with bundles of viewpoints surrounding the original/copy.

for example--

Discussing the original/copy in terms of a movie is a strong argument.

Film sprouts and grows out of photography, both of which are themselves the art of reproduction.

What is the original work of the movie? It is easy to understand by comparing the drama.

In the play, the actors face the audience directly, and the performance is formed once, affected by the audience's reaction, there are changes, and it is not archived, so it has uniqueness;

In a movie, the actors face the camera, and the performance is obtained by splicing multiple times, which is recorded as an image by the film (digital), that is to say, the camera replaces the audience in the place where the audience is present, and what the audience gets is just a copy.

It can be said that the essence of the film is a copy, and it makes us think about the relationship between the original and the copy, then it is enough to prove that it is valuable as a copy, and its value exceeds the original.

Another example -

We can't help but keep asking, are the writer and the antique dealer a husband and wife?

Abbas' trap, we fall into the fictional world to find out whether the story is true. Don't forget, the director has not prepared to disguise the story as "authentic" from the title of the film. It is a naked copy, from form to The content is being copied, a behavioral experiment.

Here, the concept of "original/copy" is derived from "authentic/fake", so as to explore the authenticity of the copy.

And Benjamin, who responded with a sentence, said, "The idea of ​​authenticity is meaningless to replicas (whether mechanically or not)."

Pointless? For this reason, he put forward the concept of "here and now", and believes that the original work is not because of its craftsmanship, form, bearing or value, but the marking point formed by the potential intersection of time and space, which endows art with art. The unique existence of the product determines its history.

In other words, the replica, no matter how perfect it is, does not have the "here and now", because it misses that point in the long river, and if it misses it, it misses it. ”, compromising its witness.

This one-time phenomenon is no longer tenable, the sanctity is gradually shrinking, and many people sigh with embarrassment. Why is this necessary,

Humans have "progressed" from manual copying to mechanical copying. When did the copy stop?

It's just, let's talk less about authenticity.

So, what to talk about?

Talk about beauty.

Leave the search to the scientists and auction houses and, of course, antique dealers.

And the viewers, those who are freed from the value and true and false bras, just feel the beauty in a down-to-earth way.

So, what is the value of replicas (fakes)?

ready to come out.

The reproduction technology makes the reproduction more quantified and then widely disseminated, it can be viewed by ordinary people in any scene,

This imparts simultaneity to the replicas.

The original works have withstood the test, and only those works of art with real aesthetic value can still retain enough beauty after being copied.

The writer talks about the mother and son. The mother tells the boy that it is a replica and the real thing is elsewhere.

Why do so many artists want to regain their innocence.

Childlike innocence does not involve utilitarianism, nor does it ask whether it is true or false, nor does it care about the moral and legal issues behind it.

Just looking at it, it's beautiful, but I'm looking into it.

At that moment, the boy was moved. Thousands of miles away, in the museum where the original works were kept, there was also a girl who was moved at the same time. Not only, little stars, there are many people moved because of the replica.

"Original/Copy" is not limited to artworks, but can be derived from all aspects. Derived to the invisible and intangible, such as the human heart.

In the play, marriage was used, and everyone saw the ending.

Emotions are no easier to replicate than real objects.

Another example-

The story the writer talked about in the coffee shop when he answered the source of inspiration for his research, yes, the mother and son, actually projected a more thoughtful set of "original/copy".

The antique dealer and her children, of course, are not the mother and son of the writer, but they are copies of them.

I don't know who wrote it, maybe it was Calvino. It probably means that every time I go to a city, I am often surprised to find that the old man sitting alone on the street corner is me.

What does that mean? Look at that wild dog, you will feel very similar to that wild dog, with similar movements and habits, they will both urinate along the walls passing by, they will both linger in front of the same deli, and they will both run on dry riverbeds in country parks. …

If you go down from a high point, a human is about the size of a wild dog, very similar.

Don't doubt that we are more boring and featureless than we think, and we are getting more and more boring and featureless.

Now, I am more like an android than when the movie was first made.

No matter what to eat, what to play, what to say, what to do, what joys, sorrows and joys, whether there is a consciously great achievement or a consciously bitter experience that leads to the birth of some heroic colors, everyone is exactly the same.

You are one of thousands of copies, and thousands of people are waiting to copy you.

So the scene in the cafe is very magical and realistic. The old lady is a goddess. She whispered that the man is not the man, and the woman is not the woman. When you enter a Tuscan cafe, when you come out, it is a coffee in Lisbon. Hall, no difference, all copies.

Genetically speaking, human beings are the container for gene replication, gene storage, and gene immortality.

Just a container of colorful black? What's going on.

Remember that antique dealer's brother-in-law?

The author admires it very much, guess it is sincere.

Because this guy is a slob, a waste, and an outlier.

Who is willing to take the initiative to become such a loser?

Before playing the husband, the writer still has a depth in his speech. For example, there is a saying that human beings are the only life that forgets that the only goal of life is to enjoy.

Hear this.

Consolidate the words: what controls our lives and what makes us more and more alike.


The mechanical reproduction of publications, the sharing of information around the world, the acquisition of simultaneity and the indulgence of people, is precisely the biggest incentive for the rise of colonialism.

Then, like a hydra, colonialism took on a new face and lurked in more hidden places.

The medium that carries the information is transferred to the mobile phone screen, faster, higher and stronger.

In the information revolution, whose life is it? Globalization is the general trend, where is it going?

Today, information has become smarter, learn to vote for you, have you become smarter?

Thinking is very tiring, I just want to be a waste.

The containment begins with a leaking gas tank and ends with a frog being cooked in warm water.

Reproduction leads to the mass production of commodities that people can touch up close, and even possess whatever they see, which is the technical basis of commoditism.

Consumerism is a shark that kills when it smells blood.

It is time-consuming and laborious to copy the idol, and it is necessary to create an IP, prescribe medicine according to the prescription, and provide it, which is worshipped by thousands of people.

Don't think about it any longer, or else it's just the genes. You can feel at ease right away.

I guess Abbas didn't want to insinuate this, it's all over-interpretation. Still stop at love insurance, the length of marriage, the similarities and differences between men and women, tossing and rubbing, it is a big piece of dough.

On the other hand, the film interpretation of this matter is also very copy.

A person writes an article, reads it over and over, oh so understand, oh so understand, spread to the hometown of consciousness, are copying the other, or copying one of the appearances of the film.

It's best to think about it yourself, what you feel is what, if you don't feel anything, just sleep in the nest. Say something: "This movie is really bad."

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Certified Copy quotes

  • Elle: Look at you wife, who has made herself pretty for you. Look. Open your eyes.

    James Miller: This is just not the moment. It's 5 o'clock, I'm hungry, I need a drink.

  • Elle: After we've seen so many copies of something over so many years, we're not all experts who can stand before an original and understand it. It takes our breath away. Therefore, without the existence of copies, we wouldn't understand originals.