Satan's Lust and Ideal Life

Keely 2022-04-21 09:02:04

In the Brancacci Chapel in Florence, there are frescoes by Masaccio. He depicted important themes in the stories of the Old Testament of the Bible - the scene where Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and were expelled from the Garden of Eden. God created the earliest human beings, and Nicholas explained the fall by right, saying that the "fall of man" is not based on "moral" standards. Maybe this is just a pacifier for burnout caused by despair. The future is given too much meaning. Countless pessimistic people tout the so-called victory. I don’t know if it is a deception that has designed a logic to enter eternity.

Before the Renaissance, people often explained those incomprehensible behaviors (nature, nature, nature) with some mysterious force - the movement of the stars, theocracy or the devil's soul at work. If you lived in the Middle Ages, you might say "the devil is driving him to do this". Therefore, the method of treatment may be to get rid of evil forces by exorcising evil spirits and appeasing the powerful. Until two centuries ago, "madmen" were kept in zoo-like conditions and subjected to treatments such as beating, burning, and smoking. Sometimes it is supplemented with "tooth extraction, intestinal cutting, and clitoral burning". Some people, once identified as lunatic, have their own blood drawn and animal blood transfused. The problem is that this Satan's paradise is not just outside, but in the hearts of all people.

Little Satan jumped, and his mother fell into a mental abyss.

In Lars von Trier's films, Satan is equated with sexuality, especially in women.

Those of us who are placed between the present and the future, and tensed between the present and the future, believe that human beings are born to suffer. Such a mind, such a soul, pain itself becomes an end. In Nietzsche's book "The Antichrist", it says that the true essence of love is that consciousness abandons itself, forgets itself in its other body, and through this abandonment can enjoy and keep itself. The reconciliation of the spiritual self and the body into the whole is the absolute, and it is satisfied in this realization.

The film touches the brink of psychosis, dark fantasy and icy lust. Foucault said that "psychopathy is not a medical diagnosis, but a cultural diagnosis". The movie points to the demons in people, and Freud's so-called combination of death and sexuality is a psychological cloak, and it really points to morality and rights in history. When a person suffers, he does not feel sad, depressed or resentful, as long as he regards it as an unalterable decision of fate.

The figurine on the bathroom table is engraved with: pain, grief, despair

After watching Lars von Trier's film, I read Wilde's fairy tales to ease my emotions. Wilde spent his whole life pursuing love and beauty, and in the end all that awaits the idealist is death. Probably the more thoroughly he understands the world, the more powerless he can do to change the world. In his book you can feel a kind of tender sadness flowing through the body through the book. The nightingale who exchanged her life for bright roses, she sang about the love that sprouted in the hearts of young boys and girls, and sang that they were in love with each other, without birth, old age, sickness and death, without separation. On the highest branch of the rose tree, the thorns gradually pierced the heart of the nightingale, gradually dyeing the heart of the rose red. That rose, like the blush on the groom's face when he kisses the bride. Love trumps life, trumps everything in Wilde's novels.

The three beggars are: a deer half-delivered, a fox eating the corpse of a companion, and a crow in a cave. Birth of Jesus from the Bible

Angelopoulos said that the only thing that watching movies and novels can do is to make life a little less painful now and make the passage of time feel less lonely. Humans are frequently trying to change the world, and each generation is doing the same thing, entering a new cycle. There is nothing new under the sun, but every day is the best day ever.

Even if the reality is sometimes disappointing, it is good to have good works that comfort you, make you endure, make you wait, make you fantasize, make you dream, make you look forward, and fight. Last but not least, Lars von Trier's The Antichrist is a romantic movie.

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Antichrist quotes

  • He: I love you.

    She: You don't.

    He: I do.

    She: I don't believe you. I don't BELIEVE you! I DON'T FUCKING BELIEVE YOU!

  • He: Remember, what the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.