Can't we grow?

Juliana 2022-11-18 02:52:01

I recently watched a movie called Bomb Chasing. In the film, a terrorist forces the government to allow the publication of his own political declaration by sending bombs to others, in order to achieve the purpose of spreading his views. When he saw his article on the front page of the newspaper, he realized that his life's dream had been fulfilled. But what to do next? He wanted to stop, but he still couldn't quell his anger. He recalled the process of making bombs and couldn't get rid of his past. He suffered in madness, and finally let out a sigh: Can't we grow?

The grow here refers to growth, that is, intellectual gowth, which usually refers to the fact that life has reached a new period, and the qualitative change in the value of belief is the seed of belief in the distant past, such as an experience or a sentence in a book, gradually in the long years. Formation, when conscious, has blossomed, deeply rooted in the soil of the mind, radiating into thought and action.

Of course we can grow, but there are a lot of things we can't change that shouldn't change at the same time. Sometimes it takes a lot of resilience and courage to change or not to change.

Can we grow? Of course. Some studies have confirmed that cranial nerves continue to grow and divide in adulthood , and new synapses are continuously generated, which store new memories and connect with previous experiences, so growth does not stop after adulthood. At the same time, our concept is constantly changing, because we are constantly receiving new information, when we come into contact with some novel theories, we will see the past from a new perspective , we can see the original scattered knowledge or personal experience Stringed together into a trail, it can point the way forward and create possibilities that were previously unimaginable. I have seen many mundane things can provide unexpected insights from some unique perspectives. In the end, our choices determine our environment. In constant interaction with material, social, and symbolic environments, we continue to act and create new experiences . In the process of moving toward a goal, we may gain more than accomplish it. precious things.

But there are some things we can't change. For example, certain 'flaws' in our personality may come from genes, childhood experiences or just some unfortunate coincidence. We often overestimate how much thinking is done consciously. In fact, most emotions and motivations are generated unconsciously , and hidden in the unconscious are the values ​​and reflections we form from past experiences. We must extract these values ​​or assumptions from the unconscious and test them rationally. This is the first step in a responsible life. Later, we will replace the previous point of view with a more dialectical point of view, but at the same time we have to look at the value behind our irrational thinking , which I think is also of great value. We should think of these flaws/values ​​not as limits, but as constraints , which usually express the furthest boundary we can reach, and constraints are the conduits through which we put our energy into solutions. A hint of a problem, not an insurmountable obstacle.

Our culture thinks that being withdrawn is not good, being open is good, being obedient is good, and being disobedient is bad. But as everyone knows, using words such as "good or bad" with ambiguous, abstract, and even sinister hints and associations to evaluate others, I often feel that the evaluators are simple-minded and lack sympathy. I think growing up is about getting rid of abstract ideas and stopping judging others with simple labels, because simple categorization usually means simple actions and false associations. Not only does our language have to be more concrete, we have to constantly accept new arguments and explanations, a process that accumulates over a lifetime. Growth is a description of a process, not an ideal end state.

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