icy portrait

Chanelle 2022-09-07 05:08:55

The Darney brothers have always focused on depicting feelings for teenagers. From the sons of others to the young Ahmed has been paying attention. "The Bicycle Boy" is the most typical of the Darney brothers. It is a narrative theme based on clips of abandoned boys growing up. As an interception of the boy's entire time line, although it cannot cover his entire life, it accurately presents the important changes in the boy's heart. The expression is still delicate and sensitive,

Many commenters questioned the boy's performance, arguing that he was abrupt and reckless. This corresponds exactly to Danet's purpose of expressing teenage emotion. The reason why teenagers are treated and described in a special way by Dane is precisely because of their immaturity, fickleness, stubbornness, and even a little evil recklessness. It is precisely because of this that a comparison at the public level is established-the emergence of adoptive mothers. This character, which we don't quite understand, seems to be morally criticizing all those who are hostile to children. But all of this is not very important to the character of Cyril itself, and the change in his heart is the main line.

In the film, it is almost difficult to distinguish the types of love. Family, friendship, and love are all the same in essence to Dane. Anything, just a little, is extremely precious to the boy Cyril, and it also shows that his heart is cold and has no temperature. As with the overall texture of the film, it's actually not warm.

"Bicycle Boy" has four short soundtracks, three to four eight beats, all of which are completely repeated, and are applied to the important moments of the boy's inner struggle. Added power to move the plot forward, giving emotional impact. Although the film itself is formalized, and the soundtrack only increases the degree of formalization, it does have some influence on the realism of Darnay's films. It's like having a pair of hands pushing you downhill, it's faster, and it's unexpected.

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The Kid with a Bike quotes

  • Guy Catoul: It's too much. I can't look after him.

  • Wes: May I call you Pitbull?