I'm glad I didn't get abandoned

Elouise 2022-03-21 09:02:57

After watching the entire film with my girlfriend, the poet was ruthlessly exiled (shooting) without having a chance to speak from the very beginning, and the girlfriend was full of grievances and complaints about the teacher beside him.

Both of us studied art and even a little philosophical, so we had our own opinions on three of the thought experiments. It may be trivial and boring in the movie, but it is worth giving people an interesting discussion, that is, what kind of life should we live under certain constraints. (Life)

In the first experiment, there was pure rational choice, which can be said to be flat (gender, occupation). The only difference is that such a small democratic group will dislike and resist a unified authority (teacher), even if This authority acts as the necessary villain in their place to punish the remaining unselected. But it is not to say that it is an irrational choice, it is just a risk preference. (Betting there is no password or there is a password)

The second experiment was also based on rationality, but what was different from the last one was that it chose to coexist with the authority, and sacrificed personal emotions for the group’s ethnic interests, until it finally set off to resist.

The third experiment is the opposite of the first two, rather it discusses the role of literature, poetry, and art. And the poet is also the "useless" profession that is closest to the philosopher. They lived happily for a whole year, not just to get out of the shelter. If they didn't press the button of the nuclear bomb in the end, there may be a certain probability that it will continue (maybe very small, after all, I can't tell which grass is poisonous outside. It's not poisonous, I can't knock down the coconut.)

For the above three experiments. I have two thoughts. When seeing the first and second experiments of pure reason, it will naturally come to mind that Kant discusses the matter of pure reason, and this reason touches the "bottom line" or "principle" of human beings ", resulting in "emotional revolt".

The second is about morality. For the continuation of a group, whether the sexual behavior of different men to a woman is in line with the so-called morality, which has become the limitation of reason.

Well, even in order to continue human beings, under such a limited ultimate goal, it is finally found that reason does not play a decisive role, and can only become a one-dimensional or two-dimensional mechanical standard when judging a human being. Of course, we can say that we choose a compromise choice (this may also be rational), that is to say, we try to respect the will of the individual to make a choice, but this does not talk about the issue of pure rationality, nor is it purpose of this experiment.

And my girlfriend, who may have used "Animal Crossing" to tell me the answer to this thought experiment, the friend who used to repay quickly in the game, brush tarantulas, and meet the "target" has given up the game early, and she A year has passed unknowingly when I was playing with flowers and plants, building and placing buildings, and looking for new fun points.

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Extended Reading

After the Dark quotes

  • Petra: We live... briefly, yes. Imperfectly? Of course. Stupidly? Sometimes. But we don't mind, because that's the way we're made. And when it's time to die, we don't resist death; we summon it.

  • Mr. Zimit: Do you know what apocalypse actually means?

    Petra: Tell me.

    Mr. Zimit: It's from the Greek "apokálypsis", meaning to uncover what you couldn't see before... a way out of the dark.

    Petra: Your sweet talk still needs work.