See the world and become who you are today

Katlyn 2022-03-21 09:02:42

Before the magician arrives, all the girls need is a complete pair of shoes and clothes to keep out the cold. Until the day I saw the magician. He could conjure up everything she wanted with ease, in the blink of an eye. The girl's world has changed and it's beautiful! It turns out that the beauty that once was out of reach can be possessed by the magician with such a wave of his hand.

The girl really thought that money could be made, and started the "princess life" of buying and buying, but what she squandered was the magician's love for her.

There are not so many things at your fingertips in this world, and the utopian world that the magician creates for the girl will hurt her, and it will also hurt herself. So his leaving was the right choice. The girl also found the boy she loves at the moment. She should experience more things, get to know the world, and understand that there is no magic in this world, no magic, no miracles, and nothing without sacrifice. reward. I believe that the girl will become better, at least she is a kind child.

They have lost each other, but there will definitely be more encounters in the days to come, enriching their lives of continuous renewal and self-improvement, and making themselves a better version of themselves. Just like after this time, the magician will never turn a small pencil into a big pencil to amuse the child again. A small pencil is a small pencil, how can it get bigger in an instant? Magic can bring happiness to people, but it must not be an unrealistic fantasy.

Life is really interesting. What a person becomes depends too much on who he meets and what happens. Think about your money concept, in fact, is constantly changing. Because of the current situation, I have experienced extravagance and luxury, and I have also tried minimalist abandonment, generous and unrestrained pride and careful calculation. Speaking of feelings, I think as long as the heart is full of contentment, it will be fine. As far as values ​​are concerned, there is no right or wrong. The things we care about are different, and we naturally think differently. There is the Tao within the Tao, the Tao produces the line, and the line regenerates the Tao.

No matter what, if you know how to be grateful, everything will go well. It is the experience that makes a person who he is today, grateful for the encounter, grateful for the experience, and grateful for everything.

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