
Ryleigh 2022-03-21 09:03:09

For a social event that cannot simply be judged from a moral standpoint or even a legal standpoint, it will always bring people more space for thinking. This movie based on real events makes every character suffer and suffer. They are all at a loss, and they all use their own cognitive form and perspective as a starting point to do "correct" and even "just" things. When their efforts have resulted in catastrophic consequences, we can always simply label them, such as ignorance, such as ignorance, such as evil. However, an excellent artwork depicting social events can blur the judgment of good and evil or give a story complex constituent elements and ambiguity beyond the so-called form, style, and technology, so that the audience can view and Thinking, this is far more meaningful than watching social news with a single angle and a clear position, which is also one of the important values ​​of art.

At the end of the film, the priest and the nuns were taken into a police car. One policeman said that there had just been a case of a young man murdering his mother, and another policeman said that evil things happen all the time in this world. The priests and nuns were in the car at this time, the word "evil" was extremely harsh, and their behavior of tying Alina to the cross to exorcise was indeed foolish and evil in the eyes of atheists. But throughout the film, Alina's madness and psychotic-like destructive power seem to be as evil as Satan possessed. In the eyes of the world, Alina is a mental patient, in the religious world, she is an evil force possessed by demons. From the priest's point of view, exorcism was the only last resort, because all other methods had failed, and the hospital no longer accepted Alina, who was mentally unstable. Before the exorcism, the priest also hesitated and struggled in every possible way, and even let Alina's younger brother, who is not very smart, make a decision. Alina's madness hurts everyone in the church and the monastery, blaspheming God, and in this place of purification, she is the devil.

From Alina's point of view, the film does not clearly provide the direct reason why she is so crazy and mentally unstable. However, some judgments can still be made through other aspects. She and Vicchia grew up in an orphanage. Now Vic turned to God and became a nun. Alina used to work alone in Germany, and now she came to find Vic, hoping to leave with the closest person since childhood. Start over here. (However, this restart does not actually see the possibility of a better life) So, Alina and God became enemies, Alina who is lonely, Alina who is struggling at the bottom of the society, longing for love but love is taken by God Alina who went away has naturally become a "devil". The strong possessiveness towards Vic makes Alina plan to take back her love from God. The most effective way is to prove that God does not exist and that the priest is just a mercenary full of lies. villain. And the deterioration of her mental condition clearly came from her inability to change the status quo. She asked Vic to leave with her countless times, told Vic that it was just brainwashing, but Vic's loyalty to God never wavered. Alina even smashed the totem in the church, but all this was just pushing Vic further, making Vic even more embarrassed and embarrassed. A confrontation between the one who entered the world and the one who was born, everyone has enough reasons to maintain the status quo. And Vic's entanglement and embarrassment between the priest and Alina has a similar perspective to the viewer. The film is also opened from her perspective, witnessing Alina's madness and priests and nuns, including her own. Helpless and broken. The contradiction between religion and the secular is nakedly displayed in this isolated monastery, and both sides can easily stigmatize each other from their own perspective. And this kind of easy stigmatization will make people stop thinking deeply. This phenomenon of stopping thinking not only occurs in religious and secular conflicts, but also in other fields and ideologies. This is especially visible on the Internet. . Alina dies during the exorcism at the end of the film, and Vic ends up wearing Alina's clothes instead of the nun's clothes, a position she chose after witnessing the brutal exorcism. But this cruel ending cannot simply be blamed on any one party. Just as the priest showed when facing the police interrogation, they really thought they were helping the crazy Alina, and Alina did let the people here. Everyone panics. Perhaps, there are more complex and diverse incentives, such as social structure, system, the situation of immigrants or illegal immigrants, class differentiation and a series of elements play a hidden but important role.

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Beyond the Hills quotes

  • Priest: The man who leaves and the man who comes back are not the same.