Feeling of pressure

Berenice 2022-03-21 09:03:19

At the beginning, I thought the director was a bit poetic, or that it would be uninteresting like .
However, as the plot progressed, "Love Roaming in Paris" became the "Yankee Roaming France Horror Incident", forcing the audience to feel the discomfort of the male protagonist at every moment and to suffocate with him. Of course, this helps to understand the plot, but it goes too far, and the ears are constantly bombarded with French, which makes me suffer. It's funny but it's not.
Besides, if it ends with the heroine's spiritual monologue, why is the heroine's inner feelings almost never described in the play? There is no beginning or end to come to an inner confession, which makes people not interested in paying attention to the content at all, and adding a nondescript happy ending is really terrible.
What is the theme of this play? I think it's because of the unexpectedly rapid deterioration of a relationship in just two days in Romantic Flower Capital and how easily human minds can be misled? Coupled with the hatefulness of Americans (older American tourists), the arrogance of French people (female cashiers in vegetarian restaurants), a list of French family situations, and don’t call firefighters

if you have a hose... ; but other than that, you'd think this drama was sponsored by the Anti-French League.

PS The heroine has no temperament and is also one of the boring elements.

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Extended Reading

Two Days in Paris quotes

  • Jack: Um, so what's the deal, man?

    Marion: What?

    Jack: That guy was looking at you like you were a big leg of lamb. It's like he had the fork and the knife and the bib.

    Marion: I am a big leg of lamb.

    Jack: I know, but you're my leg of lamb. How do you know him?

    Marion: Well, we met many years ago, and we had a little thing. I think I gave... I gave him a blowjob. No big deal.

    Jack: Really? A blowjob's no big deal?

    Marion: Oh, I'm sorry.

    Jack: I'm all right.

    Marion: No I mean, it's no big deal in comparison to what's going on in the world. You know, there's George Bush, the war in Iraq, there's Avian flu and then there's a blowjob. You know what I mean?

    Jack: Right, right.

    Marion: In consideration, it's...

    Jack: Nice transition.

    Marion: It's a pretty minor event. Don't you think?

    Jack: I would actually say it's not a minor event... if you wanna start talking in the grander political scheme of things. If you think about it,it was a blowjob after all, that brought down America's last chance at a healthy democracy.

  • Marion: You know why people are attracted to one other? Cos people with very different immune systems are attracted to one other so the offspring, the baby, will have a stronger immune system with the combination of the two immune systems.

    [Jack pretends to snore]

    Marion: Don't snore! It's important!

    Jack: Oh!, No! Yeh! No! I was saying the same thing!