Don't turn scientific questions into ordinary love stories

Jaylen 2022-03-22 09:01:48

This show made me uncomfortable.

First of all, the plot is very protracted, many of those long and silent clips, the original conflict of the plot is not obvious, and then it makes people drowsy.

Add some hypocritical moral and philosophical discussions to confuse people.

scientific ethics

With all due respect, you are a loafer

This sentence simply speaks to my heart. Psychologist Kelvin is acting like a rubbish. You are not only a scientist, but also a psychologist. The whole play does not show a little professionalism, only hypocritical life and death, love ah love. Isn't it your forte to analyze an artefact that is purely copied from your memory.

To me, you are more important than any scientific study

I want to vomit when I say this. It sounds like I am a lover, but in fact I am completely incompetent.

At the beginning, the other two scientists were also offline, hiding and tucked away, making it rainy and foggy. Science is an attempt to simplify complex problems, not to complicate simple problems. There is a bit of IQ online in the back.

what are you afraid of

I don't quite understand what they are afraid of. Maybe people have a certain fear of unknown things, but they won't cause their own mental breakdown like them. After all, those things can't threaten their lives. And this kind of miracle, after returning to God, should be exciting.

At one point, I was so scared that I committed suicide, and at one point I was inseparable from love. What kind of mood should I have?

about human beings

More reliable than both of you, in a non-human environment, you behave very humanely, and you behave as if it has nothing to do with yourself
Harry doesn't exist anymore, you're just a copy, a replica
But I'm becoming human, my feelings can be as deep as yours, trust me
I can live without him, I love him, I'm human, you're so cruel
She drank liquid nitrogen, and the longer she followed you, the more human she became

The question of self-identification is indeed a problem for the replicants, and a big problem for the replicants themselves. And it may not be a big problem for others, after all, you know everything about her, the ins and outs, you can easily distinguish each other, who is who is just a matter of definition in the eyes of others.

I don't really understand whether the cloned Harley is human or not. Maybe if such a thing really happened around me, I wouldn't be too concerned about whether it was a human being or not, just be happy.


In the ending, a small island and Kelvin appeared in the ocean. It is indeed a very interesting ending, and there is room for thinking. But I always feel that this kind of plot is relatively divided, and it is not harmonious enough with the thinking logic of the whole play.


This sci-fi film has a sense of the times. Due to the limitations of the times, it will be more "scientific" if it is shot now.

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Extended Reading

Solaris quotes

  • Dr. Snaut: Don't tell me you haven't tried a rope or a hammer. Did you happen to throw the inkwell like Luther? No?

  • Kris Kelvin: What was that?

    Dr. Snaut: I don't know. Then again, we've managed to determine a few things. Who was it?

    Kris Kelvin: She died 10 years ago.

    Dr. Snaut: What you saw was the materialization of your conception of her. What was her name?

    Kris Kelvin: Hari.

    Dr. Snaut: Everything began after we started experimenting with radiation. Wehit the Ocean's surface with strong X-ray beams. But it - incidentally, consider yourself lucky. After all, she's part of your past. What if it had been something you had never seen before, but something you had thought or imagined?

    Kris Kelvin: I don't understand.

    Dr. Snaut: Evidently the Ocean responded to our heavy radiation with something else. It probed our minds and extracted something like islands of memory.