A Sinner's Amazing Grace

Kacey 2022-09-15 11:29:41

When the cold wind on the isolated island blows the dry moss on the stubborn stone, the priest will not know that the kind deeds he has done to atone for sin will only aggravate the evil in people's hearts.

At the beginning of the film, when I saw a person lying in the snow, I felt nothing inside, and was very peaceful.

With the further development of the plot, it turns out that the lying man once killed one of his own brothers. At this time, when I saw the thin snow and clear water on the island, I felt that my whole body was cold, and the important work of the murderer for the rest of his life was to burn the boiler of the monastery to warm himself; the other was to serve as a priest and warm others. , or get warmth from others. But obviously, the warm flame can warm the body, but not the cold heart; the words of gratitude can warm the ears, but not the hands and feet of sinners.

At this point in the movie, there was a physical reaction on the body that was warm in the back but like a cramp in the heart. I am heartbroken for this good sinner and saddened by the weakness of the human heart.

Because of the weakness, the little priest was reluctant to give up his boots and blankets; because of the weakness, the tall priest dared not admit his visceral envy of the saint. Good people are eager to help others, but rarely help themselves. They often punish themselves with their own and others' sins. Boots, blankets, jealousy are all hells of reality that good people build for themselves. They are unwilling to admit their fragility, and they try to do good on behalf of their "father", and try to grab the hands of those who seek help. This kind of good deed from jealousy is hypocrisy, an evil deed.

It suppresses the goodness of the benefactor's own heart, and it substitutes the goodness of the benefactor for the goodness of the beneficiary, thereby substituting itself for the Father. But this stops the wellspring of goodness within each individual. The greatness of the "Father" is that it is an eternal third party, which belongs to no one and has no special kindness towards anyone. The goodness of the Father is equal and generous. This obviously cannot be replaced by a specific priest. People will always have jealousy, selfishness, and anger. This is the original sin.

The priest in the movie, in order to atone for the sin of murder, went to help others, but he got the title of a saint. The title at this time is not only a kind of praise for the good, but also a kind of scorn for the evil. The priest was obviously crowned by a monkey. So the more he saves people, the more sin and evil in his heart grow, and the more guilt he feels. They passed through the pipes of the boiler, the gaps in the doors and windows, and surrounded him like smoke and mist, preventing him from real salvation and liberation.

When watching the movie, the inner entanglement became deeper and deeper with the help of the priest, until the coldness returned to the body again. But luckily it's a movie. In the last part of the film, with the forgiveness of the "killed", the coldness in the viewer's heart is dissipated. The priest was able to allow himself to lie down in the coffin. But in fact, the sage's qualification to enter the kingdom of heaven is not given by others, but earned by his own efforts. When the true goodness of the heart is no longer obscured by guilt, the guilty can truly be redeemed. So, I prefer to believe that the death of the film at the end is a kind of symbolism - it symbolizes the death of a sinner.

In reality, the more kind people are, the more prone they are to mental illness. Because often only good people will insist on repenting for their sins. And evil people never admit their mistakes because of their evil, just as people don't admit their mistakes because they like to eat salt. Therefore, the recipe for peace in the heart of the good is not atonement, but confession of sin. Only by fanning away the smoke from the outside of the boiler and looking directly at the dazzling fireworks can the true goodness in the heart flow out.

A person with a complete personality has the ability to unify the sin and good in his own heart. In the Book of Genesis, Cain killed Abel. The all-knowing and almighty God certainly knew about the impending sin, but he did not stop it. Is this kind of behavior that does not prevent evil from arising for the sake of fairness and justice, is it a sin in itself?

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The Island quotes

  • [first lines]

    Father Anatoli: Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God...

  • [last lines]

    Father Anatoli: Lord... Receive my sinful soul.