Romania in two days in three weeks in April

Imelda 2022-03-22 09:02:11

It has to be said that watching movies with women improves your taste. Today I originally wanted to watch the weird in bruges poster, but under mm's repeated insistence, I watched the Romanian movie together for three weeks and two days in April. As a result, mm fell asleep in the middle, but I was a little unable to extricate myself.

Cinematography is very characteristic, especially long shots. Although the shaking of the camera makes people who have watched more Hollywood feel rough, and the large dialogue will make people who watch the subtitles tired, but in fact, after watching it, they will feel that the whole film is surprisingly "fine". There are many places worth visiting. The one I like most is in the boyfriend's house, surrounded by the noisy chat and laughter of relatives and friends, the heroine is in the middle of the picture, timidly and terrified. During this long wait, the audience, like the heroine, was anxious and suffering, thinking about what happened to the girl in that hotel. There are also various details of the abortion that the doctor explained before, until things fell in an unexpected and terrifying direction. During the whole process, the eyes exchange, expressions and tone of the two girls showed these two characters clearly in a sadness and panic.

Such unique and interesting places can be said to abound in the film.

A good movie is by no means a simple pile of highlights. On the whole, the film gives the impression that it has such a breath, and this breath is by no means as strong and rampant from the beginning as "The Sun Also Rises"; At the beginning, there was almost only one breath left, but this breath was not broken until the end. This is really not easy. "Having qi" depends on talent and luck, and not breaking the qi depends on the director's maturity.

But after watching this film, in addition to applauding and applauding, it also caused me a lot of confusion. The background of the film is Romania in 1987. I have never been to Romania. I don’t know how the film restores the real history. Judging from the movie, in Romania in 1987, objectively speaking, the scene on the street is similar to some ordinary second-tier cities in China. . The conditions of the university dormitory are far more than the current university dormitory in China-they have a room for two, and our school needs to live for eight people. The American cigarettes that ordinary people circulated in the black market, in China in 1987, only the privileged class may have heard of these brands.

The above is only the level of material life. On the spiritual level, the collective intervention in personal life, or "caring", which is manifested everywhere in the film, is by no means unfamiliar to the Chinese. Even today, we continue to experience this in a particular aspect of our lives.

All of this in the movie is very familiar to us. But the oppressive atmosphere that permeates all the details in the film from start to finish confuses me. This kind of repression is so heavy in the movie, yet so real. Such repression is what the people and the media living in the "free world" of the West expect to see, and there is no doubt that the Romanian people experienced it personally and recalled it now. experienced by the times. As a member of the Chinese people, I also thought that our era was oppressive. But after watching this film, I really felt the oppression created by the film, but I felt that our life may not leave us this impression, at least in retrospect, not all of this tone.

The Romanian people seem to resent their communist history, and this film resonates deeply with their people. However, China, which has gone through a similar path as Romania, was not as good as Romania in many aspects back then. Now, recalling the 1980s, there are also economic depressions and backwardness in the system, but it cannot be said that it is exactly the same color as the Romanian people recall. . Not so dark, although there is blood, there are also many colorful dreams. Judging from the films "The Sun Also Rises" and "Two Days in Three Weeks in April" sent to Cannes this year, the Chinese people today are very different from the Romanian people today.

I'm still confused about this. I wonder if they live a good life. As for whether they are suffering like this, I also wonder if we are too numb.

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4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days quotes

  • [subtitled version]

    Otilia: Why did you make the reservation by phone?

    Gabriela 'Gabita' Dragut: I thought it'd be like calling from somewhere else.

    Otilia: You "thought".

  • [subtitled version]

    Gabriela 'Gabita' Dragut: I got rid of it. It's in the bathroom.