A legend of heroes

Lelia 2022-03-22 09:02:18

I like sports inspirational movies and movies based on real events. It's all here.

The biggest upgrade in American basketball history, the NCAA in 1966, in that era of racist madness, everyone in Texas Western was a hero, coach, player, player's family, and team administrator.

My heroes are people who, under tremendous pressure, can change the perception of everyone around them, or do things that no one else can. They are like heroes, like pioneers who came to El Paso, fighting for their beloved basketball and working hard for their dreams. What they have in common is their love for the sport and the courage to subvert everything. It's

not a bad thing to be young and energetic. Whether it is for coaches or players, the reason why they are young and energetic is because this world is the world of the older generation, and young people come here. In this society, if you get something from them, such as honor and wealth, of course, you have to make greater efforts and encounter great difficulties, just like the black basketball players in the film. Winning a championship from a dominant white man is all about doing it all. This pioneering spirit of every young person has been called "young and vigorous" by the mainstream of society. This is exactly the state that young people should have

subverted and can only be created. If we really find what we love, we must disregard public opinion, bear enormous pressure, pursue our goals as the rules allow, fight like a man, and create our own lives

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Glory Road quotes

  • Coach Don Haskins: Hey, hey, Winnaker, Winnaker, do you want me to get you a skirt? I'll get you a skirt if you keep playing like a girl!

  • Coach Don Haskins: Jason, Don Haskins, Texas Western.

    Stevens: Western Union?

    Coach Don Haskins: Texas Western down in El Paso. Hey, after the game, when you get a minute I'd like to talk to you about playing for me.

    Stevens: Play for you at Texas Western? Thanks, Coach, but I'm partial to winning.