chase record

Marcellus 2022-04-19 09:03:21

Personal record, don't spray if you don't like it, don't give it away if you don't like it.


The first season was a little mysterious, but this season began to reveal all kinds of secrets, and it jumped to the end of the world all of a sudden.

Although I have watched these two episodes, I can't really say anything. The simple summary is that everyone finds that something is not right.

Yunas is already at the end of the world (it turns out to be 2020, the screenwriter guessed right), and the others are still counting down the end of the world. Yunas wanted to save the world from the doomsday through the black fog. (The ever-changing black fog is really familiar, but I just can't remember that it was similar in that drama. It feels like it's either Aegis or the edge of crisis. After all, other dramas don't have this kind of supernatural phenomenon.)

Elizabeth (Police Charlotte's little girl who can't talk to become a doomsday leader)

Charlotte finds out that the time travel book is real, written by her grandfather (is that the guy who repairs the clock)

The old Claudia found the young and asked her to stop Adam, so Claudia and Adam are opposites, but what are their respective goals, and is there a bigger boss behind them?

Last season, I wondered how Ulrich would go back. Who knew he would never go back. He has been getting old, and he can't go out and contact his family. Even if he does, he won't recognize him. Tiedman is indeed a fool. He hadn't recognized Ulrich yet.

Tidman did cheat on his wife and was seduced by Ulrich's grandma (wait a minute, this seems to be part 203, forget it, that's it)


I'm a little confused about Ulrich's line now, he's been here since 66 years ago (should be 1986), Mikay just came here. Tidman hadn't reacted yet, but I guess he just didn't dare to think that way.

Claudia has a secret with Ulrich's grandmother, who seems to be feigning allegiance to Adam, and what Noah finds in her after killing the elderly Claudia seems to make him less loyal to Adam.

The old Claudia went back to meet the young Tidman, who also seemed to have discovered his wife's secret affair with the female tenant.

Middle-aged Claudia came to 2019 to see her daughter who underwent chemotherapy. It was visually expected to save her daughter?

The episode didn't write much about other people, mainly the Tidmans.

I guess in the end we are all family.

What I have learned from these time travelers is that no matter how we travel through time, we cannot stop ourselves from getting older.

From 203 to 205, these children will travel back and forth casually. If they heard their mother say that their younger brother could not have traveled back in that era, because they did not hear from their mother that they had traveled, they just made a soy sauce and didn’t know how to find their younger brother Ur. Richie was taken away Why did Mikay not say a word because there was nothing she could do? The nurses started putting sleeping pills to keep Mikay. The heart is such a selfish feeling Adam took advantage of Yunas and everyone seemed fine but In fact, it's just a peaceful appearance. Is Charlotte actually Noah's daughter? ? ? It's really who her mother is. I can't think of Noah at the moment. It seems that Noah doesn't know that Adam is Yunas. Adam's name is because he wants to rebel against God. The show has something like that and every time traveler will say to himself I am you no show can escape

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Beginnings and Endings quotes

  • Investigator Clausen: Expectations lead to disappointment. "Have hope," my mother used to say, "not expectations. You might just be surprised, but not disappointed."