My classmate said he would never watch movies with me again

Lesly 2021-11-29 08:01:21

He even fooled his classmates to come and watch this movie with me. She said she didn't want to watch horror, I said it was horror, no ghosts. She said that she still didn't want to be scared. I said it was said that this is actually a science fiction + porn, with passionate drama. Then she compromised with half pushing and half on the spot.
My classmates and I were both rude people. 30 minutes passed but we didn't see the passion scene. We should have left the table angrily. However, we were attracted by the soundtrack. Maybe it was the background music that neutralized the long shots, but we didn't even look at it as if on pins and needles. Intermittent visual stimulation still works. For example, after a man soaked in the glue, the flesh and blood were sucked away, and then a whole piece of skin came off with a bang, and danced poignantly.
During this period, the three people left the
scene angrily, and didn't even get the popcorn. Finally, towards the end, when the aliens and the uncle were preparing to ooxx, I woke up the classmate who was already asleep on my shoulders. However, the alien who finally fell in love with humans found that he was cutting corners.
The moment the subtitles lit up, there was a dry laugh in the auditorium. Then everyone else smiled knowingly.
My classmate said that he would never watch a movie with me again. If she insists on being together, she chooses the film.

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Extended Reading

Under the Skin quotes

  • [first lines]

    Female Voice: [with a mechanical buzz over shadowy morphing orbs] T- D, S- Z- Th, B- T- V, H- T- D- K- G, S- Z- P- B, Ba-Ba- T- T, K- Kuh- Ch, Th- V- Th, Zzz- Sss- Bzz- Ch, B-B-Buh- V-V-Vuh, G-G-Guh D-D-Duh.

    Female Voice: [now over a shiney white torus, slowly morphing] B-B-Buh- B-B-Buh, B-B-Beh, B-B-Beh, Bah, N-N-Nuh- N-N-Nuh, N-N-Nuh- No. N-N-Nuh, F- Feel- Field, Fill- Filled- Filts, Foil- Failed- Fell, Felds- Pill- Pills, Pall- Nall.

    Female Voice: [now over a watery chestnut-brown eye] Foal- Foals, Fold- Fold, Pool- Pool, Sell- Se...

  • Female: You're not from here? Where are you from?

    Camper: I'm from Czech Republic.

    Female: Why are you in Scotland?

    Camper: I just... wanted to get away from it all.

    Female: Yeah? Why here?

    Camper: Because it's... It's nowhere.