moon landing

Santino 2022-12-12 10:04:37

I accidentally discovered that this is a movie from 1902, when the Qing Dynasty was still alive, and the interlaced feeling of time and space when watching it is very wonderful. The movie is very short, only 10 minutes. It tells the story of a group of scientists who flew to the moon in a "cannon"-like rocket that they researched, and then went through some adventures and returned to the earth. Interestingly, "Apollo 11" landed on the moon in 1969, so theoretically, there may be a person who watched this movie when he was young, and when he was in his 80s, he witnessed that human beings actually landed on the moon. The development of science and technology is evident. When I watched it, a barrage said, "These people should all be dead." Naturally I think of the old-fashioned topic of "the meaning of life". It is true that from a scientific point of view, life has no meaning, and one day we will all die, but limited by the culture and education we have received, it is always The corners of life try to leave something behind against the deep fear of death that will come sooner or later. I don't have the ability to build a pyramid for myself, and I won't turn myself into a mummy, but I am more willing to try new dishes when ordering food, take a "tourist photo" of myself in the scenic spot, and always want to replace the latest mobile phone. Watch a movie to experience a different life... Some time ago, the Chang'e 5 mission was successfully launched. I hope I can get on my own "moon" one day.

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